Important Directions for Use

Always refer to the manuals and data sheets provided by the device vendor

SERVOsoft does not replace the manuals and data sheets of devices that were selected with the software. Always refer to the manuals and data sheets provided by the device vendor in order to make sure that devices selected by SERVOsoft are compatible – even when there are no messages in the System Check. Read and adhere to all information concerning the handling of devices that is presented in these documents, before using these devices.

DC Bus Sharing

When using a shared bus configuration, always check that all selected devices are compatible for this purpose. To do this, check the manuals and data sheets of all devices involved – even when there are no messages in the System Check.

Bleeder Modules

When using a bleeder module, always check that it is compatible with the connected device. To do this, check the manuals and data sheets of both devices – even when there is no message in the System Check.

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