X-Axes - Scale Visible, Label and Font



The Visible field determines whether or not to display the scale and label (if configured) on the chart.

The Label field determines the label the scale will display.

The Font selection determines the font, font style, size, effects and color for the Label.


To Modify

Check off the Visible checkbox to view the x-axis scale and label on the chart.   

Uncheck the Visible checkbox to not view the x-axis scale and label on the chart. 


To modify the label, enter the desired string into the textbox.  Up to 20 characters can be entered.


To modify the label's font, click on the Font button, select the desired characteristics, and click OK.   



Checked (for Visible)

"Time (s)" (for Label)

Arial, Regular, 8, Black (for Font)

Location of group:  

X-Axes Property page


See Also

X-Axes Property Page    XScale property     DateTime feature