

Use this property to return/set a value that determines the number of Y-axis scales that can be displayed on the chart.  A Profile can be plotted against a specific Y-axis scale via the Profile property.

Value is an integer between 1 and 10 (or NumProfiles, whichever is less).   Default: 1.



intValue = XYChartCtrl.NumYScales        'Returns the number of y-axis scales to display

XYChartCtrl.NumProfiles = 10             'Sets the number of profiles to plot to 10
XYChartCtrl.NumYScales = 5               'Sets the number of y-axis scales to 5
XYChartCtrl.Profile(1).YScale = 1        'Assign Profile 1 to use Y-scale 1
XYChartCtrl.Profile(2).YScale = 2        'Assign Profile 2 to use Y-scale 2
XYChartCtrl.Profile(3).YScale = 1        'Assign Profile 3 to use Y-scale 1
XYChartCtrl.Profile(4).YScale = 2        'Assign Profile 4 to use Y-scale 2
XYChartCtrl.Profile(5).YScale = 3        'Assign Profile 5 to use Y-scale 3
XYChartCtrl.Profile(6).YScale = 3        'Assign Profile 6 to use Y-scale 3
XYChartCtrl.Profile(7).YScale = 4        'Assign Profile 7 to use Y-scale 4
XYChartCtrl.Profile(8).YScale = 5        'Assign Profile 8 to use Y-scale 5
XYChartCtrl.Profile(9).YScale = 4        'Assign Profile 9 to use Y-scale 4
XYChartCtrl.Profile(10).YScale = 5       'Assign Profile 10 to use Y-scale 5

XYChartCtrl.Refresh                      'Refresh required to update chart with changes made


See Also

Properties    Number of Y-axis scales