Scale Class


Scale Class consists of the following properties:



Data Type



Determines whether or not the scale will be visible on the chart.




Determines the label the scale will display.

String.  Maximum length of string is 100 characters.

"" (blank)

LabelFont Determines the font characteristics for the label. Font Class Refer to Font Class


Applicable for the Y-axis scale(s) only.  Determines the label that will be displayed vertically along the scale.

String.  Maximum length of string is 100 characters.

"" (blank)

LabelVerticalFont Applicable for the Y-axis scale(s) only.  Determines the font characteristics for the vertical label. Font Class Refer to Font Class
FormatStyle Determines the scale's format style - either Numeric or DateTime. 

Enumerated type consisting of the following options:

  • fsNumeric (= 0)
  • fsDateTime (=1)
DateTimeFormat Determines the format string for the DateTime format style. 

Use any of the following: 

"h:mm:ss AMPM"
"h:mm:ss.fff AMPM"
"d mmm h:mm:ss AMPM"
"m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AMPM"
"m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.fff AMPM"

"mmmm d, yyyy"

or create your own string using Microsoft's symbols d, m, and y to represent date, and h, m, and s to represent time.  For example, "m/d/yy" will display "1/27/93".

For DateTime beyond seconds, use fff, which is a built-in extension created for milliseconds (ms).

String "hh:mm:ss" 
NumericFormat Determines the format string for the Numeric format style.

Use any of the following: 

"$#,##0 USD"





or create your own string using Microsoft's formatting symbols

Note:  By setting the Numeric style string to "(Auto)", the appropriate number of decimals are automatically chosen for each tick value.  The local system's formatting for digit grouping and decimals are also applied.  That is, 1,002.25 for North American and 1.002,25 for European style number formats.

String "(Auto)"


Determines the font characteristics for the scale's tick values.

Font Class

Refer to Font Class

TickLabelSpacing Determines the minimum spacing between major tick labels.  Double 1
ScaleType Determines the scale type - either Linear or Logarithmic.  

Enumerated type consisting of the following options:

  • stLinear (= 0)
  • stLog (=1)
ScaleMode Determines the scale mode - either Auto or Manual.

Enumerated type consisting of the following options:

  • smAuto (= 0)
  • smManual (=1)
Min Determines the minimum scale value in the Manual scale mode.  Double  0
Max Determines the maximum scale value in the Manual scale mode.  Double 0
ScaleWidthHeight For Y scales, determines the scale's width.  For X scales, determines the scale's height.  A value of zero enables the scale width/height to be calculated automatically.  

Units are in TWIPS. 

Double  0
ScaleInterval Determines the interval between two major ticks.

A value of zero enables the scale interval to be calculated automatically. The automatic scale interval calculation determines the optimal interval with easily readable numbers.

Double 0