XY Chart NET 3 Control Reference
ProfileYCoordinate Property

Use this property to obtain the y-coordinate of a specific profile at a given x-axis value.

[Visual Basic]
ReadOnly Property ProfileYCoordinate(ProfileNumber As Integer, XAxisValue As Double) As String()
string[] XYChartNETCtl.get_ProfileYCoordinate(int ProfileNumber, double XAxisValue)
property cli::array<System::String^, 1> ^XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::ProfileYCoordinate[int, double]
The profile index to obtain the coordinate value of.  Valid values are 0..(NumProfiles - 1).
The profile's x-axis scale value.
' XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

Dim iXAxisValue As Double

iXAxisValue = 1.05

With XYChartNETCtl1
   Prof0Label.Caption = .ProfileYCoordinate(0, iXAxisValue)  'Profile 0 - obtain corresponding y-value at x=1.05
   Prof1Label.Caption = .ProfileYCoordinate(1, iXAxisValue)  'Profile 1 - obtain corresponding y-value at x=1.05
   Prof2Label.Caption = .ProfileYCoordinate(2, iXAxisValue)  'Profile 2 - obtain corresponding y-value at x=1.05
   Prof3Label.Caption = .ProfileYCoordinate(3, iXAxisValue)  'Profile 3 - obtain corresponding y-value at x=1.05
   Prof4Label.Caption = .ProfileYCoordinate(4, iXAxisValue)  'Profile 4 - obtain corresponding y-value at x=1.05
End With
See Also



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