

Use this method to programmatically enable or disable the pan mode.  This method is equivalent to selecting the Pan button in the Toolbar.

The parameter required for this method is described below.



ButtonSelected Boolean value indicating the pan mode.  TRUE indicates panning is enabled, and the Pan button in the Toolbar is displayed as selected; FALSE indicates panning is disabled, and the Pan button in the Toolbar is displayed as unselected.


NOTE:  Panning is only applicable when the chart has been zoomed in.



'XYChartCtrl is the name of the XY Chart control instance placed on the form.
If XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.PanPressed Then
  XYChartCtrl.SetPan(False)   'Disable panning; a Refresh call is not required
  XYChartCtrl.SetPan(True)    'Enable panning; a Refresh call is not required
End If


See Also
