Property Pages


Property Pages provide a convenient means of viewing and modifying parameters through a graphical user interface.

XY Chart contains 5 main property pages - General, Plot, X-Axes, Y-Axes, and Profiles.  Each page allows you to view and/or edit a set of related properties to customize the look and behaviour of your control.  

There are four command buttons at the bottom of each property page - OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help.  OK allows you to save any changes made and close the Property Pages window.  Cancel closes the Property Pages window without saving any changes.  If a change has been made, the Apply button becomes enabled.  Apply saves any changes made without closing the Property Pages window.  The Apply button then becomes disabled.  NOTE: An Apply is performed when toggling between pages.  Finally, select Help to bring up the XY Chart Help file.      



To access XY Chart Property Pages


Refer to the following pages for more information on which properties each page provides:

General    Plot    X-Axes    Y-Axes    Profiles


NOTE:  Properties modified via the Property Pages are saved for the current and subsequent run-time sessions.   Properties modified programmatically (see Properties) are saved for the current run-time session only.