

Use this property to return/set values that determines the chart's Toolbar characteristics.

Toolbar uses the Toolbar Class set of properties for its characteristics.



boolValue = XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Visible   'Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the Toolbar will be displayed

XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Visible = TRUE        'Display the Toolbar 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Visible = FALSE       'Do not display the Toolbar 

XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.CrosshairsVisible = TRUE    'Display the Crosshairs button in the Toolbar 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ZoomVisible = TRUE          'Display the Zoom in/out and Zoom out all buttons in the Toolbar
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.PanVisible = TRUE           'Display the Pan button in the Toolbar
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataVisible = FALSE   'Do not display the Export Data button in the Toolbar 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.SaveImageVisible = FALSE    'Do not display the Save Image button in the Toolbar

XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.PrintVisible = TRUE         'Display the Print Chart button in the Toolbar

XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataVisible = TRUE              'Display the Export Data button in the Toolbar 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataVisibleProfilesOnly = TRUE  'Export Data from only visible profiles 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataDestination = edFile        'Export Data to file 
XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataDelimiter = ";"             'Delimit all data by a semi-colon 

XYChartCtrl.Refresh                       'Refresh required to update chart with changes made


See Also

Properties    General Property Page