

Use this property to return/set values that determines the scale characteristics for a specific x-axis.  Recall that up to 10 x-axis scales can be configured.  This upper bound can be set through the NumXScales property.

XScale is an array from 1 to NumXScales and it uses the Scale Class set of properties for its characteristics.



XYChartCtrl.NumProfiles = 10                  'Set the number of profiles to plot to 10
XYChartCtrl.NumXScales = 2                    'Set the number of x-axis scales to 2

If XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Visible Then
     stringValue = XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Label  'Return the scale label for x-axis 1
     longValue = XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Color    'Return the scale color for x-axis 1
End If

XYChartCtrl.XScale(2).Visible = FALSE         'X-axis 2 scale will not be displayed

XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Visible = TRUE          'X-axis 1 scale will be displayed
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Label = "Frequency"     'Set the scale label for x-axis 1
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Color = vbRed           'Set the scale color to Red for x-axis 1
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).ScaleMode = smManual    'Set the scale mode to Manual for x-axis 1
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Min = -5                'Set the scale's min value for x-axis 1
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).Max = 5                 'Set the scale's max value for x-axis 1
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).FormatStyle = fsNumeric 'Set numeric formatting

XYChartCtrl.YScale(1).TickLabelSpacing = 0    'Set the tick label spacing as close as possible without YScale 1 tick labels overlapping
XYChartCtrl.XScale(1).TickLabelSpacing = 0    'Set the tick label spacing as close as possible without XScale 1 tick labels overlapping

XYChartCtrl.YScale(2).TickLabelSpacing = 2    'Set the tick label spacing to be a min. of twice the height of YScale 2 tick label font
XYChartCtrl.XScale(2).TickLabelSpacing = 2    'Set the tick label spacing to be a min. of twice the width of the max. tick label width 

                                              'based on XScale 2 tick label font

XYChartCtrl.Refresh                           'Refresh required to update chart with changes made


See Also

Properties    X-Axes Property Page     Number Formatting     DateTime Formatting