XY Chart NET 3 Control Reference
Trend Property

Use this property to return/set values that determines the chart's trending characteristics.   Trend uses the Trend Class set of properties for its characteristics.

[Visual Basic]
Property Trend() As C_Trend
XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.C_Trend XYChartNETCtl.Trend
property XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::C_Trend ^ XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::Trend
' XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

Dim TrendSample As Integer

'Trend - command button control
'Trending commences upon first click; trending stops upon second click.
Private Sub Trend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Trend.Click
   If TrendTimer.Enabled Then
      TrendTimer.Enabled = False
      XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.Enable = False
      With XYChartNETCtl1
         .Trend.Enable = True
         .Trend.DisplayLength = 50
      End With
      TrendSample = 1
      With TrendTimer
         .Interval = 100
         .Enabled = True
      End With
   End If
End Sub

'TrendTimer - timer control
Private Sub TrendTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrendTimer.Tick
   Dim arrData(0, 1) As Integer

   arrData(0, 0) = TrendSample
   arrData(0, 1) = Int((201) * Rnd - 100)

   XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.AddData(1, arrData)

   TrendSample += 1
End Sub
// XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

private int TrendSample;

//Trend - command button control
//Trending commences upon first click; trending stops upon second click.
private void Trend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    if (timer1.Enabled)
       timer1.Enabled = false;
       XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.Enable = false;
       XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.Enable = true;
       XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.DisplayLength = 50;

       TrendSample = 1;

       timer1.Enabled = true;
       timer1.Interval = 100;
//timer1 - timer control
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    double [,] NewData = new double [1, 2];

    NewData[0, 0] = TrendSample;
    NewData[0, 1] = 30 * rnd.NextDouble() + 70;

    // Add new trend data to chart array
    XYChartNETCtl1.Trend.AddData(1, NewData, XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.AppendOpts.aoAppendToEnd);

    TrendSample += 1;
// XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

private: int TrendSample;

//Trend - command button control
//Trending commences upon first click; trending stops upon second click.
private: System::Void Trend_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
        if (timer1->Enabled)
           timer1->Enabled = false;
           XYChartNETCtl1->Trend->Enable = false;
           XYChartNETCtl1->Trend->Enable = true;
           XYChartNETCtl1->Trend->DisplayLength = 50;
           TrendSample = 1;
           timer1->Interval = 100;
           timer1->Enabled = true;

//timer1 - timer control
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
        double NewData __gc[,]  = new double __gc[1, 2];

        NewData[0, 0] = TrendSample;
        NewData[0, 1] = 30 * rnd->NextDouble() + 70;

        // Add new trend data to chart array
        XYChartNETCtl1->Trend->AddData(1, NewData, XYChartNETCtl::AppendOpts::aoAppendToEnd);

        TrendSample += 1;
See Also



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