XY Chart NET 3 Control Reference
YDeltaCoordinates Property

Use this property to obtain the y-coordinates of the delta crosshairs for a specific Y-axis.

This property is only available in the delta crosshairs mode (see Toolbar).

[Visual Basic]
ReadOnly Property YDeltaCoordinates(YAxisNumber As Integer, [bFormatted As Boolean = True]) As String()
string[] XYChartNETCtl.get_YDeltaCoordinates(int YAxisNumber, bool bFormatted)
property cli::array<System::String ^, 1> ^ XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::YDeltaCoordinates[int, bool]
The y-axis index to obtain the delta crosshair's y-coordinates.  Valid values are 0..(NumYScales - 1).
By default, the returned text strings are formatted based on the format settings for the y-axis scale.   To obtain the y-coordinates for a specific y-axis without its format settings applied, pass in False.
' XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.
' NumXScales = 1
' NumYScales = 2
' Y-Axis scale 0: FormatStyle=Numeric, NumericFormat="(Auto)"
' Y-Axis scale 1: FormatStyle=Numeric, NumericFormat="0.00%"

Private Sub XYChartNETCtl1_CrossHairsDeltaMove() Handles XYChartNETCtl1.CrossHairsDeltaMove
   With XYChartNETCtl1
      Dim xCoords(1) As String
      Dim yCoords(1) As String
      xCoords = .XDeltaCoordinates(0)         'Get delta crosshairs x-coordinates for x-axis 0
      X0Label.Text = xCoords(0)               'Display first delta crosshairs' x-coord in label X0Label
      X1Label.Text = xCoords(1)               'Display second delta crosshairs' x-coord in label X1Label
      yCoords = .YDeltaCoordinates(0)         'Get delta crosshairs y-coordinates for y-axis 0
      Axis0_Y0Label.Text = yCoords(0)         'Display first delta crosshairs' y-coord in label Axis0_Y0Label
      Axis0_Y1Label.Text = yCoords(1)         'Display second delta crosshairs' y-coord in label Axis0_Y1Label

      yCoords = .YDeltaCoordinates(1, False)  'Get delta crosshairs y-coordinates for y-axis 1; do not format the values
      Axis1_Y0Label.Text = yCoords(0)         'Display first delta crosshairs' y-coord in label Axis1_Y0Label
      Axis1_Y1Label.Text = yCoords(1)         'Display second delta crosshairs' y-coord in label Axis1_Y1Label
   End With
End Sub
See Also



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