SERVOsoft News

SERVOsoft® v3 Support Ended on Dec 31, 2018

Jan 7, 2019

On December 31, 2018, program and database updates for SERVOsoft® v3 ended.

SERVOsoft® v3 was first released in June 2012 and was developed on Windows 7 and then updated to run on Windows 10. As SERVOsoft is a subscription model, all users with an active subscription/maintenance plan can simply upgrade to v4 and their existing license will work without having to make a new license request.

SERVOsoft® v4 was released in July 2017, and is vastly superior to v3 in every area. The first thing people see is that the UI is more modern. But at its core, the calculation performance and database queries are so much faster in v4. Along with countless improvements in almost every area of the program, v4 is better in every way. See What's New in v4 and What's New in v4.1.

What happens if I continue to use SERVOsoft® v3?

If you continue to use SERVOsoft® v3 it will still run on your Windows PC. However, with subsequent Windows Updates, SERVOsoft® v3 may "break" and we will not be issuing any patches to keep it running.