What's New in v4.6

SERVOsoft® v4 Revision Log

Note: SERVOsoft v4.6 requires v7.60c or newer, SERVOsoft v4.5 requires v7.51 or newer, and SERVOsoft v4.4 requires v7.40b or newer. For companies using a Network License Server (NWLS), please make sure your IT department updates CodeMeter Runtime on your NWLS before client machines are upgraded.

Oct 13, 2024Version 4.6.127


  • STOBER Rack & Pinion Sizing Rules
    • When a STOBER rack with bore holes is selected, added System Check message "Rack has bore holes: The toothing forces must be transmitted via the screw connection of the gear rack. When using 500mm racks and or high loads, the screw connection must be checked. See also the notes in the STOBER gear rack catalog ID 443137."
  • Power vs Time form:
    • Improved the 'Peak Power Optimization' algorithm to find the optimal combination of inputs. The improvements are faster speed and able to find sollution(s) for a wider range of scenarios.
    • Now when 'Allow Vz < Vz0' checkbox enabled, will find a solution down to Vz>=Vz1/SQRT(2) instead of Vz=0V, which is not applicable in the real world
    • When no solution is found, the user is informed with a message box, and then the inputs revert back to the original values before the optimization run. Previously, the inputs reverted back to the original values immediately without any message box.
  • Improved German translations for the following phrases
    • Travel length Reiseaufwand –> Verfahrweg
    • Min travel length
      • Min. Reiselänge –> Min. Verfahrweg
    • Max travel length
      • Maximale Reiselänge –> Max. Verfahrweg
    • Total travel distance
      • Gesamter Fahrweg –> Gesamter Verfahrweg
    • Total travel distance exceeded
      • Gesamter Fahrweg überschritten –> Gesamter Verfahrweg überschritten
    • Max Travel limit exceeded
      • Maximaler Reisegrenzwert überschritten –> Max zulässiger Verfahrweg überschritten


  • Move form
    • In certain cases of Time vs Distance values, the 1/2 rule was not being calculated with the error "Solution not found, Time, distance, jerk too low"
  • Linear Actuator Database Selection form
    • Sometimes the Force vs Speed chart would show FMax=0 even though the selected actuator had valid data to display its rated FMax profile
    • When listing Stand Alone actuators, the query was only checking if CombinedProductType = “Stand Alone” and did not include “Stand Alone and Combined”
  • All Database Selection forms
    • Sometimes when clicking the 'View Documentation' button, the same web page would be opened in 2 browser tabs The [%LangId%] variable was not working for all Vendors
Sep 22, 2024Version 4.6.118


  • Motor Linear Actuator Performance form:
    • The motor utilization bars were not displayed correctly
  • Print Config:
    • Mechanical Only and Energy Cost checkboxes were not working properly
Sep 15, 2024Version 4.6.115


  • Motor Model:
    • Added clarification that the [kto] value in the database is the "warm value"
      • Applies to the Add/Edit Rotary and Linear Motor forms as well as the Database Spreadsheet [Motors] and [LinearMotors] worksheets
  • Auto Sequence Update & Command Line Interface:
    • Added Power Flow values to the Report XML for Power Group, Infeed, Inverter, Bleeder & Motor, which provides the data for an external optimization tool to optimize for peak and/or cont power


  • Motor Cont Torque De-rating:
    • Fixed the "Stober" motor de-rating using custom formula. Most commonly used for Stober Gear Motor combinations.
  • Main form:
    • When opening a project and importing product data where the Vendor name exists, but the case does not match.
      • Eg. Database: VendorName and Project: vENDORnAME
      • Previously this was not handled and the product data using vENDORnAME was not imported. Now the program will prompt the user if it is ok to use the VendorName in the database file. If yes, then the product data is added using VendorName.
    • Master Follower mode:
      • When changing the Master's 'Time per rotation' on the Master Axis view, the Main Form error flag would occur. For reference, when the Master's 'Time per rotation' was changed in the Power View, no error would occur.
      • In Master Follower mode, when changing to 'Max-Stop' Sequence and copying over the Normal Sequence, the Master's Sequence Type would remain as 'Constant Velocity' even though it should automatically change to 'Variable' for Max-Stop mode.
  • Manage Axes form:
    • When deleting the last power group in the project, adding another power group or axis would trigger the Main form error flag
  • Conveyor & Linear Belt Actuator Mechanisms:
    • When more than 1 mechanism in parallel (n>1), the Max Belt Tensile force was using n=1.
  • Gearbox Performance form:
    • The Duty Cycle value was not displayed in the data panel to the right above the RMC torque value
  • Pump mechanism form:
    • After unlocking the pump selection then opening the database and selecting a pump, the pump inputs remained "unlocked".
  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed importing Ball Screws where the program would hang when trying to Ball Screws table data
Aug 13, 2024Version 4.6.104


  • STOBER Feature Set
    • Enabled Atlanta Rack & Pinions and Atlanta Rack & Gearbox Pinions
Aug 11, 2024Version 4.6.103


  • STOBER Feature Set
    • Enabled Stober Rack & Gearbox Pinions


  • Power vs Time form
    • When 'Peak Power Optimization Enabled' or 'Allow Vz < Vz0' checkboxes are changed, and then the user clicks the "Cancel" button and chooses to discard changes, the original checkbox settings were not restored
Aug 1, 2024Version 4.6.102

New Features:

  • Added "Linear Belt Actuators"
    • Added 35 Macron Dynamics actuators including Belt Drive, Cart, Dual Cart and Pusher types
  • Added "Spooler Hanging Load" to Winder Center & Surface Driven mechanisms


  • Sequence form
    • When the Rated profile is displayed, it is shaded in the "margin" area underneath. Eg. If the Motor Peak Torque Margin = 10%, then the motor Tmax rated profile is drawn with a shaded region 90-100% of Tmax. This helps users see how close the application profiles are to the specified margin/reserve
    • When a Winder Spooler, now display the Spooler as a second dynamic image when the chart crosshairs are selected
    • Chart Profiles
      • Added 'Bleeder/Chopper Current' profile to Sequence chart
      • Added 'Inverter Output Frequency' [fHz] profile to Sequence chart
      • Changed Ixt legend display to Ixt0, Ixt1, Ixt2
      • Changed Pxt legend display to Pxt0, Pxt1, Pxt2
      • Motor [Vz] profile
        • Now also draw the actual [Vz] profile, which is helpful to see if the Motor.Vz > Drive.Vz0, as well as helpful to isolate if/when Motor.Vz > Drive.Vz during Backup Power Mode
    • Import Sequence
      • Added Scale Factor drop down lists (1 or -1) for the Thrust and Torque/Force vector columns, providing the option to invert all values in each column when ScaleFactor = -1
      • When imporing a Sequence, now when the number of segments exceeds the maximum allowed, the source data is "down sampled" by taking every nth segment to fall under the allowed maximum
      • When importing an Import Trace, the maximum samples allowed is 2000. When the source data exceeds the maximum allowed, the source data is "down sampled" by taking every nth segment to fall under the allowed maximum
    • When opening KB Sequence, no longer use MsgBox, instead display at top of the form "Kinetic Buffer: All sequence edit functions disabled"
    • When opening APM Sequence defined by another PG, no longer use MsgBox, instead display at top of the form "Sequence cannot be changed because it is defined by PGx. All edit functions disabled."
  • Move form
    • Added new profile type 'Sinusoidal²'
    • Added support for 1/5 [20/60/20] and 1/10 [10/80/10] rule move profiles for all profile types
    • Changed the two 1/2 & 1/3 rule buttons to a drop down list to accomodate all rules
  • All components that support more than 1 in parallel (n>1)
    • Increased the max number of components in parallel from 6 to 20
  • Conveyor Mechanism
    • Added support for multiple mechanisms in parallel
    • Added Force vs Speed performance chart
  • Conveyor Mechanism form
    • Added inputs to align with new Linear Belt Actuator mechanism
      • Cart Mass
      • Mass Distance From Cart
      • Max Load Limit
      • Moment Load Max Limit
  • Ball Screw Mechanism
    • When Screw is rotating and the Nut is moving linearly, now the screw output force is transmitted through the mechanism as an Axial force as an Axial Load on the gearbox output bearing. This is helpful in sizing gearboxes in hexapods with electromechanical linear actuators/ ball screws. The axial forces of the ball screws are supported by the gearbox bearings.
  • Ball Screw Mechanism form
    • Added 'Screw Type' under 'Vendor Model' and moved 'Tolernace' under the Load tab to make space under the Drive tab
      • Note 'Vendor Model' and 'Screw Type' are only visible when a Ball Screw is selected from the database
    • Added ability to launch Add/Edit Ball Screw form and convert mechanism data into a Ball Screw database product
  • Rack & Pinions
    • Added Stober Rack & Pinion Sizing Rules
    • Added [P_Typ1] field in RacksPinionsFeedForce table, which adds support for the Pinion Input Type [P_Typ1] as part of the combination variables that determines the Rack & Pinion FMax
    • Added ability to launch Add/Edit Rack & Pinion form and convert mechanism data into a Rack & Pinion database product
  • Rack & Gearbox Pinion Mechanism form
    • Under the Limits tab, now display Gearbox Pinion Nominal Force, and Rack & Pinion Max Force and Max-Stop Force
  • Rack & Gearbox Pinion performance
    • Add drop down list to view only the "Gearbox" or "Rack & Pinion" as well as the complete combined product "Rack & Gearbox Pinion"
  • Motor Linear Actuator performance
    • Add drop down list to view only the "Motor" or "Linear Actuator" as well as the complete combined product "Motor Linear Actuator"
  • Position Based Load
    • Added Thrust and Torque scale factors
  • Motor Model
    • Motor I2t Model Low-Speed De-rating
      • Added motor I2t low-speed de-rating when the motor's electrical frequency <= 5Hz
      • The I2t model de-rates the rated torque starting at 0rpm with To/SQRT(2), using an exponential model up to 5Hz
      • The inhomogeneous heat dissipation region, is defined from 0rpm up to [nh] where [nh] is calculated using 5Hz and the motor number of pole pairs
      • The same approach is used for Linear Motors except using the pole width [m]
    • PMSM
      • Improved support for IPMSM with Ld<>0, which now includes Reluctance Torque
      • This part of the motor model is still noted as 'beta' as still working with vendors to further refine the IPMSM model
  • Motor Database Selection form
    • Added "I2t" filter
  • Gearboxes
    • Gearbox Torque Based Efficiency using Efficiency Formula that can be a function of Input Speed [n] and Output Torque [T], allowing for more accurate efficiency modelling
  • Main form
    • When database is not same version [vM.m], now display database path with red text and the database version in the status bar at the bottom of the form.
  • Energy Storage Modules
    • Added 'Droop Curve' control mode in addition to the existing 'Voltage Threshold' control mode
    • Changed Capacitance field name from [C] to [Cc] to clarify capacitance on the ESM capacitor side and not the DC Bus
    • Added new field in the EnergyStorageModules table, [Cz], for capacitance on the DC Bus. Allows for some ESMs that have capacitance on the DC Bus side
  • Power vs Time form
    • Added OK & Cancel buttons, giving the user the option to make changes and then revert back to the original inputs by clicking the Cancel button
    • Now capture and preserve the chart configuration and save in the project file. This can be especially helpful when an Energy Storage Solution and/or Kinetic Buffer axis is present in the power group, which results in 1-2 more plots each with up 5 profiles. So users can choose to hide some profiles once, and do not need to do that each time the Power vs Time Chart form is opened.
    • Select Power vs Time Profiles
      • Added button at bottom beside Select All/None to select recommended default profiles
    • Backup Power Mode
      • Added support for DC Bus to run down to 0V after ESM and/or KB run out of energy. Previously once the ESM and/or KB ran out of energy, Backup Power mode stopped and did not continue to run down the DC Bus. Now with the extension, there are 3 tiers of backup power - ESM, KB and then finally a large CM bank.
      • Now fill Bus Voltage profile in yellow when Vz < V0
      • For KB axis, now fill KB Velocity profile in yellow when KB Velocity < KB Min Velocity
  • Supply Peak Power Optimization
    • Now allow the DC Bus Voltage [Vz] to drop below the Nominal Bus Voltage [Vz0] during Normal operating mode
    • When Supply Peak Power Optimization is enabled, now allow the DC Bus Voltage [Vz] to drop below Nominal Bus Voltage [Vz0] during Normal operating mode. This applies in all cases, with or without an ESM and/or KB on the DC Bus.
    • When in Backup Power Mode with a Kinetic Buffer Axis, and Supply Peak Power Optimization is enabled, now have a ramp rate for the KB axis to recover to its Constant Velocity after the Loss of Power Window ends.
  • Drives & Infeed Modules
    • Improved support for calculating the max allowed DC bus capacitance (guard against high inrush current) by adding a new column, [CmaxFrml], to allow for the Max DC Bus Capacitance to be calculated based on the Supply Voltage [Vs], Nominal DC Bus Voltage [Vz0] and other factors including charging time, internal capacitance [C], etc.
    • Pxt and Ixt Thermal Overload Models
      • Updated Pxt and Ixt Fast Slow model to use all 3 Pxt / Ixt models in parallel (previously only 0 & 1 were used)
      • Added flexibility with ability to set exponent, typically either 1 or 2
  • Drives
    • Ixt Thermal Overload Model
      • Added Ixt_kFrml column for each Ixt0,1,2 in each Inverter PWM Frequency, fs01,2,3. Ixt_kFrml allows for formula to be applied to the Ixt Fast Slow model, using the Inverter Output Frequency [fHz] and DC Bus Voltage Deraing [Vzdr] variables. The Ixt_kFrml formula can be used at any frequency range including low, mid & high frequency thermal modelling.
    • Renamed columns [Vbus], [Vo], [Vmax], [Cbus] to [Vz], [Vz0], [Vz1], [Cz]
    • Added new column max allowed bus voltage [Vzmax]
  • Infeed Modules
    • Added new Infeed type "Infeed / Regen / Chopper". The Chopper is only useable in Backup Power Mode when the Mains Supply is lost.
  • Energy Storage Modules Database form
    • When the calculations are lengthy, now prompt the user to switch to fewer power samples, giving up some accuracy for up to 5x faster calculations. Especially handy when the power group is in Backup Power mode and also has a Kinetic Buffer axis
  • Optimizer
    • Improvements to 'Suggested Parameters'
    • When the Suggested Parameters button is clicked, now list those suggested parameters before applying them. This allows the user to see the parameters clearly before all the fields are populated.
    • Added "Supply Peak Power" & "Supply Cont Power" optimization targets for Single Axis Optimization
    • Improved handling of Additional Constraints allowing the Optimizer to work through Additional Constraints and not "give up" so quickly
    • Additional Constraints
      • Added Mechanism Utilization Constraint used for Master Axis Optimization
      • Added Mechanism Constraints for Max Torque/Force Margin and Max Speed Margin
      • Add/Edit Constraints
        • Now Pre-fill initial values in the Min/Max textboxes when new Additional Constraint type is selected of type Margin or Utilization
  • System Check
    • Added new Warning message when Vz < Vz0
      • "Bus voltage [Vz] < Nominal bus voltage [Vz0]. Contact vendor for approval"
    • Conveyor
      • Added message if Max Load is exceeded
      • Added message if Moment Load Max is exceeded
    • Ball Screw
      • Now when "Total travel distance exceeded" alarm occurs, the mechanism overall Utilization bar turns red (critical), but the overall value is not changed
    • Linear Actuator
      • Now when "Total travel distance exceeds screw length" alarm occurs, the mechanism overall Utilization bar turns red (critical), but the overall value is not changed
    • Conveyor
      • Now when "Max travel limit exceeded" alarm occurs, the mechanism overall Utilization bar turns red (critical), but the overall value is not changed
    • Linear Axis with Incline
      • Improved messaging when Motor Brake is not enabled and the application has a holding torque at standstill
    • Rotary Axis with Unbalanced Load
      • Added new message when an unbalanced load causing a holding torque at standstill and the Motor Brake is not enabled"
  • Bill of Material
    • Added additional values for ESM EMs including Vcmax, Imax & Icont
  • Print Report
    • Print Config
      • Added option to chart each Power Group's Power Chart using the last chart configuration used in the Power vs Time Chart form
  • Database
    • Prevent Losing Add/Edit Product Data
      • Added 'Database AutoBackup' feature to capture all product data entered manually into the database using the Add/Edit forms
    • Added multi-language support for [DocPath] urls
      • Allows urls linking to product information can be language dependent
      • For example, if the active language is English, German or Italian, then the resulting DocPath links are:
      • This is accomplished by defining Language Variables in the Vendors database table under a new column named [DocPathLangVars].
  • License Activation Wizard
    • Added back Email option to make a license request, now using a web form that is pre-populated by the wizard. Simply click 'Submit' button on the web form and the license request is sent to the web server. Requires Internet access by the License Activation Wizard.
  • Help
    • Mechanism pages
      • Updated and simplified all mechanism formulae
      • Defined effiency and direction factor based on quadrant, then consolidate formulae to one set for all quadrants
      • Added Force/Torque vector to formulae
    • Gearbox Efficiency page
      • Added new section explaining in the new Efficiency formula and a very detailed example of how to create a formula using Excel and its Trendline feauture
    • Cart Mechanism
      • Added section "Wheel No Slip Margin" explaining what it is and its formula
    • Energy Storage Solution page
      • Added 'Voltage Levels' section explaining the proper order of voltage levels for proper ESM operation
      • Added 'Supply Peak Power Optimization' link under the 'Bus Modules > Energy Storage Solution' folder
    • Optimizer
      • Added "Insert Smoothing Segments" page
    • Added 'Combined Products' page


  • Infeed Pxt Model
    • The Ambient Temperature and Elevation Load Factor was not being applied to the Pxt model
  • Pump Calculations
    • On rare occasions when the Q formula cannot be solved at low speed (<1% of QMax), previously would apply the theoretical flow (Q/D) and Ql=0. Now when Q is not solved, if Ql formula is available, the use Ql.
  • Bleeder Calculations
    • When determining if the application falls under the rated Duty Cycle (ED) vs Peak Power curve, for the Peak Power, now the impulse power (P=Vz1^2/Rb) is used instead of the application required power.
  • Database Update
    • After downloading the latest database from the web server, on occasion the backup copy task would fail and not report an error, but leave the primary database file missing. Then when the program would display the database file not found message
  • Optimizer
    • Addressed issue where "Time values not increasing" fails would continue indefinitely requiring the user to "Break" the optimization run
    • Fixed optimizing "Linear Poly Splines"
May 19, 2024Version 4.5.129


  • Main form
    • When database is not same Major.minor version [vM.m], now display database path with red text and the database version in the status bar at the bottom of the form.


  • Main form
    • Rack & Pinion Utilization value was not adjusted for multiple Rack & Pinion mechanisms in parallel (n>1)
  • Move form
    • Fixed the units conversion for the Acceleration input for a Move. The Accel value would change to 0 when changing the units.
  • Power Calculations
    • When Peak Power Optimization Enabled, the ESM may charge at a higher than rated current. Now limit ESM charging to Max Power/Current
  • Sequence Auto Update and Command Line Server
    • When more than 9 PGs in the project, the System Check messages were not included in the XML report
  • Database Update
    • After downloading the latest database from the web server, on occasion the backup copy task would fail and not report an error, but leave the primary database file missing. Then when the program would display the database file not found message.
Apr 7, 2024Version 4.5.127


  • Print Report
    • Rack & Pinions page
      • Added "Interface type" and "Input shaft diameter" / "Interface type name ISO/DIN/etc."
    • Gearbox page
      • Added "Output shaft diameter"
  • Help
    • Ball Screw page
      • Added "(Pitch)" beside the German translation "Schnecken Steigung (Pitch)"


  • Motor Database Selection form
    • When more than 1 motor in parallel (n>1), and the filters result in no motor listed, the number in parallel would be reset to 1 (n=1), when it should not be changed. Also applies to all other database selection forms including Drives, Capacitors, Mechanisms, Gearboxes, etc.
  • System Check
    • When an External Bleeder is on the DC bus and its product data is > 6 years old, the "Product data is > 6 years old" message would apper twice. Should only appear once.
  • Bleeder Database Selection form
    • When Windows Locale using comma as the decimal point and n>1, the Resistance value displayed in the selection list was not calculated correctly.
  • License Activation Wizard
    • During the the Installation, if the user chooses a language not supported by SERVOsoft, the License Activation Wizard did not handle an unsupported Language ID properly, and showed only message Ids instead of the actual language phrases.
Mar 6, 2024Version 4.5.124


  • Help
    • Corrected German translation for "Ball Screw" from "Schneckenwelle" to "Spindel" throughout the help file. The program has been using the correct translation for some time. So this change aligns the Help with the program language table.


  • Motor Model
    • Winding Temperature was not being adjusted for the number of motors in parallel [n]. As such, when increasing n, the motor winding temperature would increase instead of decrease.
  • Main form
    • The display of the Motor torque/force constant (rotary kto, linear kiFN) was being multiplied by the number of motors in parallel [n>1]. The torque/force constant is not affected by [n>1]. The calculations are correct. This was a display error only.
  • Print Report
    • The display of the Motor torque/force constant (rotary kto, linear kiFN) was being multiplied by the number of motors in parallel [n>1]. The torque/force constant is not affected by [n>1]. The calculations are correct. This was a display error only.
  • Add/Edit Rack & Pinion form
    • Corrected [FMaxEStop] symbol to [FEStop] to match the database and spreadsheet column names, as all other symbols do.
Feb 24, 2024Version 4.5.123


  • Power vs Time Chart
    • Now Bus Voltage YScale Minimum is always 0V
  • Import Sequence form
    • Improved error handling when importing a column of "empty" data
  • License Activation Wizard
    • Removed "Create Email" button since only works with 32-bit email clients, which are rarely used nowadays


  • Main form
    • When selecting "Power vs Time" as an axis, and then click the databasae selection tab, the text in the drop down list shows "2095" for all languages except English. Proper translations for all languages has been added.
    • When a "Tx + Linear Actuator" is selected, the model shown on the Main form is the "Linear Actuator" model and not the "Tx + Linear Actuator" combined product model
    • When opening a folder from the Most Recent Folders list, added message "Invalid folder path" if the folder no longer exists
    • When opening a v2 project file saved by v3, product data stored in the project file would not import correctly. Only applies if local database does not contain the selected products in the project file.
  • Linear Actuator Performance form
    • When a "Tx + Linear Actuator" is selected, the model shown on the Main form is the "Linear Actuator" model and not the "Tx + Linear Actuator" combined product model
  • Linear Actuator Database Selection form
    • When a "Tx + Linear Actuator" is selected, the model shown on the Main form is the "Linear Actuator" model and not the "Tx + Linear Actuator" combined product model
  • ESS Database Selection form
    • When in Backup Power Mode, and the Power Group has a Kinetic Buffer axis, the calculations would lockup because the KB axis was not handled properly in this case.
  • Cart Mechanism form
    • Handling of the "Wheel no slip margin" yellow shading was reversed. Ie. The application value turned yellow when the Limit < Application value. It should turn yellow when Limit > Application value
  • Motor Database Selection form
    • Trms% filter generated an "Invalid Filter" error when using the "Between" condition.
      Eg. either "Trms% Between X and Y" or "dT Between X and Y"
  • Sequence from
    • The Inverter Rated Max Current (Iph Max) was displayed with n=1 even when n>1
  • System Check
    • When the selected Gearbox has a Rated Max Torque curve that declines on a slope at higher rpm (not square), and the application torque is above the slope but below T2Max, then System Check was not reporting this.
    • When the selected Linear Motor has a Rated Max Force curve that declines on a slope at higher rpm (not square), and the application torque is above the slope but below FMax, then System Check would report it as a critical alarm but with the application value of 0N instead of the actual application torque
  • Print Report
    • Rack & Gearbox Pinion page
      • The Vendor and Model text was slightly overlapping the mechanism image
Jan 14, 2024Version 4.5.121


  • MOOG Feature Set
    • Added "Drive Motors"


  • Add Edit Rack & Pinion form
    • Changes to the Pinion Input Type were not being saved to the database
Jan 12, 2024Version 4.5.120


  • Database
    • R+W Bellows Couplings
      • Added 96 bellows couplings including BK2, BKC, BKL, MK1, MK2, MKH series
      • Updated 26 bellows couplings including BK2, BKL series


  • Main form
    • When in Master-Follower sequence mode and switching Operating Modes, the Master's Modulo Distance, Time per Rotation and Velocity values would not update to the correct values. This was a display error.
    • When not in Normal operating mode and click the Manage Axes button, switching to Normal Mode did not fully switch any Master Sequences to Normal Mode.
  • Infeed Pxt Model
    • For the Pxt Fast Slow Model, a factor of [k = SupplyVoltage / NominalBusVoltage] was being applied and should not have as this factor is handled using the Supply Voltage Factor [POWER_Px_LF] curve in the database.
  • Axis Internal Power form
    • The Max Voltage Util bar was displayed when an ExtBleeder selected from the Database. The Max Voltage Util was for the Drive Max Voltage causing confusion. Further, this Util bar should not have been visible as it does not apply for an ExtBleeder.
  • Power Calculations
    • When more than 1 Kinetic Buffer (KB) axis is in the Power Group (PG), opening the Power vs Time chart would trigger a Main form error because only 1 KB axis is permitted.
  • Database Utility
    • When error checking values, an error would occur when checking for a numeric field that had a string (non-numeric) value
Dec 17, 2023Version 4.5.115


  • Add/Edit Energy Storage Module form
    • When type is "Expansion Module (EM)" or "Double Layer Capacitor Module (DLC)", the [Imax], [Imax_tOL] and [Icont] variables were not visible and they should be as capacitor modules also have rated current values. Further, the Max Bus voltage [Vzmax] was visible and should not have been for EMs.
  • Power vs Time form
    • When in Backup Power mode and no ESM or Kinetic Buffer, the DC Bus voltage would not adjust to an increased energy level at the time of power loss. This would make the DC Bus provide very limited or no energy during a power loss.
    • When switching Operating Mode, the operating mode icon was not changing
  • Import Sequence
    • When working with an older project file, that imported its sequence from a source file (txt, xlsx), re-importing that sequence file would cause a Main form error because columns added in later program versions (eg. rUL, mUL) were not handled properly using the old project file Sequence Import configuration.
  • Main form
    • When switching from Time to Master Follower and the Normal and one of Max-Stop or Backup Power sequences needed to be converted to Master Follower, the Cycle Time of each Power Group changed
    • When a Kinetic Buffer axis is in a Power Group, and that Power Group is changed from Master Follower to Time, the Kinetic Buffer Sequence changed and continued to change each time the Power Group changed from Master Follower to Time.
    • When switching NumInParallel for Infeed & Capacitor Modules, the "Current Project Not Saved" falg was not set
  • Sample Projects
    • Updated Sample 18 Kinetic Buffer with 3 PGs, where PG2 is a copy of PG1 with a Master-Folower sequence. And PG3 is a copy of PG2, but with the Master ramping down to 0 in Backup Power mode.
  • Help
    • Energy Storage Solutions page: Corrected variables [ESM_V0] and [ESM_V1] as they were reversed
Nov 25, 2023Version 4.5.110


  • MOOG Feature Set
    • Added "Motor + Linear Actuators" feature
    • Database adds 14 Moog MG series Motor + Linear Actuators


  • Transformation form
    • The right side of the form would be slightly too narrow when switching from n=1 to n>=2
Nov 3, 2023Version 4.5.109


  • Print Report
    • Winder Surface
      • Fixed display of Material text which was spanning too many columns messing up the bottom portion of the table
  • Main form
    • When the Advanced/Pro version is opening a v3 project file, 1 additional empty Transformation would be added. If saved as v3 project and then re-opened, another Transformation would be added. And so on until max 10 Transformations.
  • Program Startup
    • When launching the program with more than one ACT NW license server (NWLS) on the network, the License List at startup would display an empty list instead of the available licenses.
  • List Users
    • Fixed issue in certain cases where the reading of the IP address of a NWLS would fail and no licenses would be listed
  • Sequence form
    • When displaying the Force profile for a Ball Screw or Rack & Pinion, the rated profile label was "TMax" instead of "FMax"
  • Inverter Ixt Model
    • When using the Ixt Tiered model and tOLC=0, finding the natural overload cycle time [tOLC] was calculated using the FastSlow model instead of the Tiered model
  • System Check
    • When Incline angle <> 0 and motor brake not enabled, the motor utilization would be set to 100%
Oct 15, 2023Version 4.5.107


  • Torque/Force vs Speed Performance forms
    • Corrected alignment of Units, which were typically 1 pixel misaligned
  • Add/Edit Ball Screw form:
    • Force vs Speed chart would not scale properly when using units other than [N] and [rpm]
  • Add/Edit Ball Screw Actuator form:
    • Force vs Speed chart would not scale properly when using units other than [N] and [rpm]
    • Unable to save product data because routine was trying to set [Jnr], which is a field that does not exist in the BallScrewActuators table
  • Sequence from:
    • When APM slot, was not displaying the APM Rated Current profiles in Sequence chart when selected in the Select Sequence Profiles form
  • Select Sequence Profiles form:
    • When APM slot, the X Scale "Time" option was not listed
Sep 22, 2023Version 4.5.105


  • Main form:
    • Cart mechanism:
      • Fixed issue where total moving mass is 0, and therefore, there is no traction, but also no wheel slip. In this case, the Cart utilization would go to 100%, but it would remain green and there would be no System Check message, causing confusion. This has been fixed such that the utilization is not changed.
  • Import Sequence:
    • Fixed handling of decimal when Windows Locale uses a "comma" for the decimal, and importing a CSV file where a "point" is used as the decimal
  • Conveyor Mechanism:
    • The Counterbalance IMCalc values were not restored when the Conveyor Mechanism form was re-opened
  • German translation:
    • Improved the German phrase for "In order to perform the upgrade, SERVOsoft will shutdown." from "Wegen Durchführung der Lizenzerweiterung wird SERVOsoft beendet." to "Um das Upgrade durchzuführen, wird SERVOsoft heruntergefahren."
  • Database Update Check:
    • When the working database file is on the network (not local), now a warning message appears to inform the user that a network database file is typically shared with others, and as such, should only be updated by the people in charge of the database file.
  • Rack & Pinion mechanism form:
    • Fixed units handling for the required Max-Stop force
  • Dual Rack & Conveyor mechanism form:
    • Fixed units handling for the required Max-Stop force
  • Linear Actuators:
    • When Combined Product such as Tx-Actuator, Motor-Actuator, or Motor-Tx-Actuator, the Actuator product data was not being stored in the project file
Aug 16, 2023Version 4.5.103


  • STOBER Gearbox Sizing Rules:
    • Now when T2max/T2eq < 1.1 and n1max/n1m < 1.1 then fBop=1 and a System Check message also says “Application is close to S1 operation. S1 operation is assumed and fBop=1. If you don´t agree, change fBop manually.”


  • Main form:
    • Now handle situation where Drive V0 & V1 values are 0.
      • When Drive database values V0 & V1are 0, this is incorrect data. However, the program should still handle this situation and not throw a Main form error.
      • Now when the drive data V0 & V1 are 0, V0 & V1 default values are chosen based on the Mains supply voltage.
    • When Manufacturer version loading a project with 4 Transformations, did not handle correctly and tried to open the project when the Max Number of Transformations of 3 was exceeded
  • Gearbox Database:
    • Fixed scenario using the CombinedProductType filter to forcing CombinedProductType = Combined was not listing gearboxes of type 'CombinedProductType = Combined'
  • Print Report:
    • When creating a print report in a language different than the active language (ie. Working in German, then print to English), the Drive type name in the Bill of Material would be shown in the active language. Eg. "Einspeisen / Umrichter / Chopper" instead of "Infeed / Inverter / Chopper"
    • On the mechanism page, fixed the display of the Mechanism Vendor Model below the mechanism image
  • Update Database Wizard:
    • After download and updating the new database file, the 'Merge Database' button was hidden
Jul 2, 2023Version 4.5.101


  • EXLAR Feature Set:
    • Now allow Drives and Motors from all Vendors. Previously only drive and motor products from "Exlar" and "Bosch Rexroth" were permitted.
  • Sequence Auto Update and Command Line Server:
    • Added new structure to XML report to include all System Check messages for the active Power Group
  • System Check:
    • For the message "Drive and Motor vendors are different. Confirm interface with vendors.", added [Vendor Model] in 2nd line of message
  • Options form:
    • Added "Reset View" button to reset all appearance settings to defaults including the Maximum Window Size, Image and Text scale factors. This way if someone makes a signficant mistake, they don't need to reset the values in the Registry to bring the program back to a viewable state.


  • Power vs Time form:
    • Fixed the "Find [Cbus] for optimal storage" function where in some cases too low a value was found
  • Manage Axes form:
    • The tooltip for "Add Drive" button which was "Add Master" and should have been "Add Drive"
  • Main form:
    • Corrected Regen Peak Power Reduction symbol from "Pp" to "Ppr"
May 14, 2023Version 4.5.15


  • Motor Model:
    • The motor phase current [Iph] and power factor [PF] are changed so that [Iph] is always positive, and the [PF] now changes to negative when the motor is generating power back to the drive. Previously, it was the other way around.
  • All Feature sets:
    • Enabled [Iq] and [Id] phasors as option to display in Sequence chart. Previously only enabled for Advanced & Pro versions.
  • Rack & Pinions Database:
    • When using the Rack Backlash filter condition [R_jl], added backlash variable [Req_jl] which is the "Minimum Position Accuracy" defined on the Main form at the Mechanism Load
  • Database:
    • Racks, Pinions:
      • Added MaterialTyp = 110 = DIN 1.0540 (C50)
      • Added HardeningTyp = 4 = Laser
  • License Activation Wizard:
    • Added support to create an ACT NW Server license from a remote machine on the network
    • Added new step in wizard when Advanced/Pro license to specify the License Location (local or remote/network)


  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed "Check Combinations" for Rack & Pinions
Apr 28, 2023Version 4.5.10


  • Supply Peak Power Optimization (Pro version)
    • Added option to add/subtract DC Bus [Cbus] and/or ESS [Cess] capacitance for quick scenario analysis
    • Also added ability to find optimal [Cbus] and/or [Cess] to quickly find the optimal capacitance to minimize supply energy
  • Added Mechanisms in Parallel (n>1) support for
    • Ball Screws
    • Rack & Pinions
    • Rack & Gearbox Pinions
    • Two Pumps
  • Print Report
    • Rack & Pinion mechanism now organizes Rack data under its heading, and Pinion data under its heading
    • Shade all affected cells when more than 1 mechanism/transformation/motor/drive in parallel. Ie. n>1.
    • See Mechanisms in Parallel: Print Report
  • Max-Stop Mode
    • In the Sequence form when in Max-Stop mode, select the crosshairs and right-click and select Start Max-Stop here to specify the Max-Stop ramp for the active axis or all axes in the Power Group
  • Move form
    • Extended profile type "Sub-Segment" to a fully flexible Jerk-Linear-Jerk ramp segment
    • Ie. Specify any portion of a standard Linear profile by specifying the Jerk, Start & End Velocity and Start & End Acceleration
    • Previously, only the linear, Start Jerk ramp or End Jerk ramp portion could be specified in one Sub-Segment
    • This exteneded capability allows for a continuous spline using a standard jerk profile without the need for polynomials
  • PMSM Field Weakening UI
    • For PMSMs, when the Motor FW curve is used, now display "FW" beside the Bus Voltage value. If field weakening is applied to the motor where the application profiles (green) cross over into the pink shaded FW zone, the "FW" text is highlighted in pink, the same colour as the pink shading of the motor FW zone in the chart. The same display is also done in the Main form beside the bus voltage drop down list.
  • Motor Models
    • PMSM: Added database field [Ld] "Stator d-axis inductance" for PM salient machines
    • Help: Added Phasor Diagrams for PMSM model
  • Position Based Load
    • Added ability to edit table data including add/delete rows, edit cell values
    • Applies to Rotary and Slider Crank mechanisms
      • Slider Crank
        • When motion defined at the Crank, added the option to specify "360deg Modulo"
  • Linear Mechanism forms
    • Moved the Incline input under the "Load" tab. Applies to Conveyor, Ball Screw, Rack & Pinion, Cart, Slider Crank, etc.
  • Ball Screw Mechanism
    • Added Nut Roller Inertia input, used when the screw is rotating and the nut is stationary
    • Added Screw Dynamic Load Rating [Ca] as an input under the Limits tab for a user-defined ball screw, thereby allowing for liftetime calculations for a user-defined ball screw
    • Added drop down list for suggested mechanism efficiency values
      • Ball Screw: 95% (typ. 70-95%)
      • Roller Screw: 90% (typ. 70-90%)
      • Lead Screw: 65% (typ. 35-65%)
    • Added the following parameters to the Ball Screw performance data displayed on the Main form, consistent with the Performance form and Print Report
      • Equivalent dynamic load
      • Stroke
      • Lifetime (distance)
      • Lifetime (cycles)
      • Lifetime (hours)
  • Add / Edit Rack & Pinion form
    • Added buttons to list all Racks or Pinions using the same combination parameters, along with the variables that are different such as rack length
    • For those vendors that publish Rack & Pinion product data, this is a huge improvement that will help quickly isolate product data issues.
  • Power vs Time form:
    • Added position value in mechanism image when crosshairs selected, helping to connect the power profile to the axis sequence at each point in time.
  • Sequence form:
    • Added position value in mechanism image when crosshairs selected
    • In Edit > Selection, added 'Duplicate + Mirror' to easily create a mirrored copy of a segment
    • Renamed [Vtotal] and [Itotal] profiles to [Vph] and [Iph]
  • System Check:
    • When using Supply Peak Power Optimization with a passive infeed module (non-controlled DC bus) selected, added message "Passive Infeed selected. To optimize the Supply Peak Power, a "Peak Power Shaving Module" is required to react to and limit the Mains Supply current. A Passive Infeed cannot target a bus voltage. Therefore, set Vt0=V0 and Vt1=V1, and no Regen Power Limit.".
    • Significantly improved detailed error handling when error solving for pump speed [n] using the flow forumula [Q].
    • Added warning message when mechanism Incline <> 0 and the motor brake is not enabled
    • For PMSMs, if the Motor FW curve is used, now always display "Info" message stating the case. And if field weakening is applied to the motor, then also include "Field weakening applied to the motor".
    • When Pinion input type = "Without Bore", added additional message "Pinion bore has to be reworked, compatibility check with gearbox has to be done by customer"
  • Options form:
    • Removed the 0.8 and 1.2 Text Scale Factor options from list. Now only 0.9, 1.0 & 1.1 factors are supported. 20% change caused too many issues in the UI.
  • Command Line Interface
    • Added the ability to set the Operating Mode in the command line
  • Command Line Print to File
    • Added the ability to set the Operating Mode in the command line
  • Sample Projects:
    • Moved Cart from 21 to Sample 16
    • Changed Sample 17 to use the latest Michael Koch Pxt modules
    • Moved Kinetic Buffer from 20 to Sample 18
    • Added new sample project 20: Auxiliary Power Module (APM)
  • Harmonic Drive Feature set:
    • Now requires serial code to make a license request
  • Database Utility
    • Added extensive combinations checking for Racks, Pinions, FMax database tables. For those vendors that publish Rack & Pinion product data, this is a huge improvement that will help quickly isolate product data issues
    • Added check if [DocPath] field is numeric with message "Invalid url". This will catch the scenerio where perhaps the [ProductZone] value was mistakenly entered in the [DocPath] column.
  • Help


  • Ball Screw mechanism form:
    • When in v3 Mode, the Tolerance and Preload input fields were visibe when they should have been hidden since these features were not suported in v3
  • Drive Mechanism form:
    • When the axis type is "Rack & Gearbox Pinion" and then the user switches the axis type, when switching back to Rack & Gearbox Pinion, the original selection is lost. Now it is kept and the Rack & Gearbox Pinion selection is re-loaded.
  • Transformation:
    • When Belt & Pulley type, and Number of Transformations in Parallel > 1 [ie. n>1], then Bell Tensile Limit was not multiplied by [n]
  • Power vs Time form:
    • Fixed negaitve ESS Energy when Peak Power Optimization Enabled and not enough ESM Storage
  • Main form:
    • Corrected tooltip for the "Target Bus Voltage" tooltip in the Peak Power Optimization group box to include Vt0 and Vt1
    • When a Rack & Gearbox Pinion is selected, and then the user changes axis type, when switching back to Rack & Gearbox Pinion, the original selection is lost. Now it is kept and the Rack & Gearbox Pinion selection is re-loaded.
  • Print Report:
    • Slider Crank:
      • When using Position Based Load, the Modulo and max values were not displayed in the inputs table
Apr 7, 2023Version 4.4.310


  • Infeed Pxt Model:
    • For the Pxt Fast Slow Model, sometimes Pmax=0 value was used, thereby disabling the Pxt Fast Slow model
  • Inverter Ixt Model:
    • For the Ixt Fast Slow Model, sometimes Imax=0 value was used, thereby disabling the Ixt Fast Slow model
  • Add/Edit Infeed form:
    • Corrected handling of Pxt Fast Slow Model, where sometimes Pmax=0 value was used, threby disabling the Pxt Fast Slow model
  • Add/Edit Drive form:
    • Corrected handling of Pxt and Ixt Fast Slow Models, where sometimes Pmax=0 / Imax=0 value was used, threby disabling the Pxt/Ixt Fast Slow model
  • Move form:
    • In Master-Follower mode, corrected display of "Prev/Next" segment value arrows when Poly 5/7 segment
  • Power vs Time form:
    • When Power Group has a Kinetic Buffer, and the Operating Mode is changed to/from Backup Power Mode, the Inverter profiles at the bottom of the chart were hidden
  • Main form:
    • When a Power Group is in Master-Follower mode and also has a Kinetic Buffer axis, switching to Backup Power Mode deformed the Kinetic Buffer sequence, extending it substantially and slowing down the application with excessive calculations
Mar 18, 2023Version 4.4.308


  • Harmonic Drive feature Set:
    • Changed Support and Sales emails to one unified support email


  • Transformation Calculations:
    • When more than 1 Number of Transformations in Parallel (ie. n>1) and Belt & Pulley specified using Drive and Driven Pulley inertia values, the effective inertia was not multiplied by [n]
  • Gearbox Calculations:
    • No Load Running Torque was multiplied by number of Transformations in parallel
  • Power vs Time form:
    • Fixed the chart display of Bus profiles for Power Group > 1 with Stand Alone bus.
  • Main form:
    • When Pump axis using 2-Pump configuration, the Pump headers would be "Linear Actuator" instead of "Pump A" and "Pump B"
  • Sequence form:
    • Fixed Split Segment by Distance when segment profile type is Poly 3rd, 5th or 7th profile type with negative direction
  • Move form:
    • Corrected display of "Prev/Next" segment value arrows when Servo Pump with Two Pumps and Variable Displacement Sequence
  • Print Report:
    • Print Settings would reset each time the program was updated to a newer version. So for Europeans who use A4 page size, after each program update, the default page size would be reset to "Letter 8.5x11in". This has been fixed such that default page does not change after a newer program version is installed.
  • Winder Center Driven:
    • When Unwinder and Spooler are both selected, fixed intial Material Inertia, which was starting at 0 (empty) instead of a full roller for an Unwinder Spooler application.
    • When Unwinder and Spooler are both selected, and first move Start Position is not 0, adjust the starting material inertia accordingly.
  • Winder Surface Driven:
    • When Unwinder and Spooler are both selected, fixed intial Material Inertia, which was starting at 0 (empty) instead of a full roller for an Unwinder Spooler application.
    • When Unwinder and Spooler are both selected, and first move Start Position is not 0, adjust the starting material inertia accordingly.
Feb 10, 2023Version 4.4.303


  • German Translation:
    • Changed "Output bearing life" and "Input bearing life" from
      "Leben. Aus-Lager" and "Leben. Ein-Lager" to
      "Lebensdauer Abtriebslager" and "Lebensdauer Eingangslagerung"


  • Power vs Time form:
    • Fixed negaitve ESS Energy when Peak Power Optimization Enabled and not enough ESM Storage
  • Main form:
    • Corrected tooltip for the "Target Bus Voltage" tooltip in the Peak Power Optimization group box
  • Add Edit Transformation form:
    • Corrected units conversion handling for Helix and Pressure angle inputs
  • Gearbox Calculations:
    • Was including the Gearbox No Load Running Torque [T012] at standstill. [T012] should only be applied when in motion.
  • System Check:
    • The "User Defined" product data message was not being displayed when ProductSourceType="User Defined" for a Rack or Pinion product data
  • Help:
    • Motor Torque vs Speed:
      • Corrected missing icon and image in the Show 2 Quadrants section
Dec 23, 2022Version 4.4.301


  • Added new feature set "ACT Baumueller PRO"
    • ACT license that also uses unique serial code for each license
    • Runtime: 1 year
    • Feature Set includes ADVANCED features, including up to 9 axes
    • Baumueller logo in print report header
    • Adds the following PRO features:
      • Polynom profiles Poly 3/5/7, Mod-Sin, Mod-Trap, Parabolic, Sine, Cycloidal
      • Slider Crank mechanism
      • Servo Pump mechanism
    • Limitations:
      • Only Baumueller products can be selected
      • Add/edit product data disabled


  • Drive & Motor Database Selection:
    • When Slot 1 is a Capacitor/Infeed/Bleeder Module (not a drive-motor-mechanism slot), and then when selecting a multi-axis drive (Dual or Triple axis) and click OK to confirm the selection, the additional slots are added and then the Main form error flag is triggered and the program dramatically slows down.
  • Add/Edit Ball Screw form:
    • The ScrewStaticLoadRating [Coa] was saved with the ScrewDynamicLoadRating [Ca] instead of [Coa]. Now it correctly saves the [Coa] value.
Nov 22, 2022Version 4.4.213


  • Fixed license check on start up that would result in "License Not Found" message. This would occur when more than 1 license is available and the 2nd onwards license is an ACT license with a license expires date.
Nov 18, 2022Version 4.4.212


  • Main form:
    • Now display negaitve Inertia Mismatch when a negative inertia is entered in a Transformation such that the effective inertia at the motor is negative. Previously, in this case, the Inertia Mismatch would be forced to 0.
  • Optimizer PRO:
    • Added new optimization target, Motor I2t, allowing the optimizer to minimize the motor's I2t
  • Print Dialog:
    • Add checkbox "Include Page Numbers" to either include or exclude page numbers in the header and footer. This was requested so vendors can generate a "partial" report with some but not all pages in the original report and include only what they need without causing confusion about excluded pages. "Include Page Numbers" is enabled by default when creating the initial print report.


  • Supply Peak Power Optimization:
    • Fixed an issue where the supply power and regenerative power are treated in the same way (symmetrical behavior). The bug specifically was as follows... when regenerating the DC Bus is rising as long as the regenerative power is higher than the regeneration limit. When the regen power drops below the limit value, the DC-bus voltage stays at the threshold bus voltage [V1] and does not return to the upper target voltage [Vt1] until inverter power is positive and pulls down the DC Bus voltage. Now the fix is sich that the drive now keeps the regenerative power at the set limit until the DC bus voltage returns to the Vt1 value again. That means supply power and regenerative power are treated in the same way (symmetrical behavior).
  • Power vs Time form:
    • When remove any Profiles/Scales using the Select Power Profiles form, then change a Peak Power Optimization value or some other input, the scale(s) and profile(s) re-appear to the default settings, when they should not become visible unless the user specifically chooses to do so.
  • Main form:
    • Corrected the displayed text for Rated Nominal Output Torque when number in parallel greater than 1. Ie. n>1
  • Cart Mechanism:
    • When loading the Material List Friction Coefficients, the values were not handling decimal properly in Windows Locale where comma is the decimal
  • Drives Database:
    • When a Drive with Infeed is previously selected and the Infeed is disabled, selecting any Drive with an Infeed would automatically enable the Infeed. The correct behaviour is not to change the Infeed Disabled setting during the selection process. And then when OK is clicked, prompt the user to Enable the Infeed.
  • System Check:
    • Energy Storage Modules:
      • Was not displaying the Legacy Type message when not current product. Ie. LegacyType<>0
      • Product Date and Legacy Type messages alway included the complete solution models, and not just the specific component the message is referring to. Ie. ESM or EM
  • Database Utility:
    • Would not find the ACT NW license when one was available
Oct 31, 2022Version 4.4.208

New Features:

  • ACT NW License Servers:
    • Now support ACT NW licenses in addition to DGL NW
    • This makes Network License Servers (NWLS) easier to configure as Virtual Machines since there is no need to connect to a physical dongle plugged into a USB port
    • ACT license mechanism is bound to the h/w & s/w signature of the server, and expires at the License Ends date.


  • Supply Peak Power Optimization:
    • Changed from Peak Factor to absolute Max Supply and Max Regen values
    • Added Regen Peak Power so can control Supply and Regen power flow separately
    • Added new solution Type: Lowest Pmax with No Regen
    • Added Target Bus Voltage range [Vt0 - Vt1]. Previously there was only Vt0.
  • Cart Mechanism:
    • Added new tab called "Traction"
    • Added new concept using "Spring Normal Force" or suspension for the driven wheels. When using the Spring Normal Force, the Applied Traction Force is not used
    • Added the option to include the Applied Traction Force in the Radial Force calculations [Fr] for gearbox output bearing sizing
    • Moved Lever Arm and other friction inputs under the "Traction" tab
    • The Gravity force for the Radial Force calculation now uses the Percentage Weight Over Driven Wheels instead of equally distributing the weight across all wheels
    • Added check if No. Driven Wheels > No. Wheels
  • Dual Rack & Conveyor mechanism:
    • Updated images on Main and Mechanism forms, Print Report and Help page
    • Re-organized formulae on Help page so easier to understand
    • Calculation results remain unchanged
  • Import Sequence form:
    • Added to buttons to the left of the source file path and filename. When a source file has been specified, the "Clear" and "Open File" buttons are enabled to either reset the source file or open the source file directly.
    • When opening the Import Sequence form with an existing previous source file, now prompt the user if want to open the file instead of automatically opening the file.
  • System Check:
    • When field weakening is applied to the motor, the message "Field weakening applied to the motor" is displayed. Now added to this message "Contact vendor for the drive configuration parameters needed for field weakening"
    • Added new "Help" column, where when the help icon is displayed, indicates the associated help topic is available by clicking on the help icon.
    • Topics included so far:
      • Cycle Time
      • Field Weakening for PMSMs
      • Supply Peak Power Optimization
      • Kinetic Buffer
      • Auxiliary Power Module
      • Infeed Pxt
      • Inverter Ixt
      • Bleeder Bxt
      • Motor I2t
  • Power vs Time Chart:
    • Added DC Bus Power Profile, and moved the Bus Energy Y Scale to the right side of the chart
  • Database forms:
    • Now "Power vs Time" button is visible to open the Power vs Time chart when selecting Infeed, Capacitor and Bleeder modules
  • Motor Database form:
    • VBus filter list
      • Now display voltages up 320Vdc when Supply < 300Vac, and voltages above 330Vdc when Supply >= 300Vac
      • Added 310V and 620V to Vbus filter drop down list
  • Print Report:
    • When Peak Power Optimization Enabled, now display the variables in the Power vs Time chart title [Pps, Ppr, Vt0, Vt1] as well as Supply Voltage, Phases and Nominal [V0] and Threshold [V1] voltages.
  • List Users:
    • Added option to enable/disable ACT NW and DGL NW license searches. When not needed, disabling the search for a license server can decrease the program launch time.
  • Program Launch:
    • When CTRL key is pressed when program is launched, now a popup of search NW server times appears for ACT NW and DGL NW license servers, if either or both are enabled
    • When CTRL key is pressed when program is launched, now show license found list, even if only 1 license is found
  • Translations:
    • Updated French phrases used in Peak Power Optimization and Master Follower features
  • Help:
    • Cart Mechanism:
      • Added clarifying note that the Applied Traction Force [Ftr] is "a clamped force, for example in rail systems"
      • Added several detailed diagrams and text to explain how the traction and friction forces are calculated
    • Dual Rack & Conveyor mechanism:
      • Updated image and re-organized formulae so easier to understand
    • Motor Field Weakening
      • Added new Field Weakening for PMSMs page, explaining the basics of FW and the key points as it is implemented within in SERVOsoft
    • System Requirements:
      • Added Windows 11 support
      • Increased to 8GB RAM minimum and 16GB RAM recommended
  • Windows Registry Settings:
    • On First Run on new/fresh install, previously all Registry settings were initialized at KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ControlEng\SERVOsoft v4\
      Now on First Run, some Registry settings are not overwritten if they already exist. This way IT Admins can specify some or all of the following Registry settings in an automated network install and they won't be overwritten on First Run:
      • CmActNwSearch
      • CmDglNwSearch
      • Country
      • DatabasePathAndFilename
      • ProgramUpdateCheckInterval
      • DatabaseUpdateCheckInterval
      • Proxy Parameters
    • If any of the above are not specified, then the default settings will be used


  • Power vs Time Chart:
    • When Peak Power Optimization is enabled, corrected the calculation of the ESM Bus Power profile, which was not deducting the Supply Power from the ESM Power supplying the DC Bus
  • Main form:
    • Fixed importing product data embedded in project when running in Windows Locale “Regional Format” = “Deutsch (Schweiz)” / "German (Switzerland)"
  • Sequence form:
    • Gearbox "Resonance Speed at Input" profile now supports Follower Axes in Master-Follow applications
  • Sequence Import:
    • Was not handling negative "Duration" values, which are invalid. Duration must always be >=0. Now handle this and inform the user accordingly.
  • Motor Brake form:
    • When loading the form and "User Specified" is checked, if either the inertia or holding torque value were 0, then the user specified values were not displayed
  • Print Report:
    • Sequence page:
      • When using a Strain Wave gearbox and charting the gearbox "Resonance Speed at Input" profile, and its resonance window has been exceeded, the gearbox resonance yellow & red shading was missing, but now appears in the Sequence Chart
    • Dual Rack & Conveyor mechanism page:
      • Corrected text description for the Idler 1 Radius and Inertia as was using "Driven pulley" instead of "Idler 1"
Aug 15, 2022Version 4.4.114


  • Power vs Time Chart:
    • Renamed chart label from "Bus" to "Inf" for the Infeed Power profile fed to the DC Bus
    • Added "Bus Power" profile, which is the power to/from the DC Bus stored energy as the DC Bus Voltage rises and falls
  • License Activation Wizard:
    • Now when a manufacturer version license request is made in a Terminal Server session (aka. Remote Desktop Connection), the license request subject includes "TS" in the feature set description. Eg. "SERVOsoft v4 ACT TS B&R License Request". It is important to note that normal manufacturer version licenses do not expire. Only Virtual Machine (VM) and Terminal Server (TS) licenses expire after 1 year.
  • Cart Mechanism:
    • Added gravity force to the Radial Force applied to the gearbox output bearing. Previously only the radial force due to the acceleration torque at the wheels was included.


  • Main form:
    • Fixed power calculations when an ESM in the power group (bug introduced in previous release)
  • Database Utility:
    • Importing a lot of data such that the Target database grows above 257 MB would trigger an error "The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size."
Jul 14, 2022Version 4.4.111


  • Rotary Mechanism Kinetic Buffer:
    • Added Min Velocity input
    • Added Min, Constant and Max Velocity Energy to assist in adjusting the Kinetic Buffer parameters
    • Added "Power vs Time" button to open the power vs time chart
  • Power vs Time Chart:
    • Added "System Energy (excl. KB)" profile in Kinetic Buffer chart plot, to chart the system energy and help size the energy required for the Kinetic Buffer
    • Added yellow shading as a warning indicator when the Kinetic Buffer velocity is below/above its Min/Max Velocity
  • System Check:
    • Changed message type from Critical to Warning for "Time of Power Loss + Duration > Cycle Time"
    • Added message if Kinetic Buffer reaches its minimum or maximum velocity values
  • Updated translations for several German phrases


  • Motor I2t Model
    • When a motor is under high load at standstill at the beginning of a sequence, the I2t model would use the initial sample I2t as the max I2t value displayed on the Main form and Print report.
    • When handling the last data point of a Sequence, the I2t model did not handle the last value properly, producing a very small error. Normally this is not a problem. However, for Sequences with a very slow I2t ramp/rise per cycle, a very small I2t error leads to a significant error in the I2t value
  • Sequence form:
    • Corrected the display of Kinetic Buffer profiles in Backup Power mode, where the time base was truncated for the Load and Motor profiles
    • When Master Follower sequences, and exporting chart data for a Follower axis, the option to equally sample the X values was hidden. This is because the Master Position data (X values) were considered not to be increasing for all values even though they were. This has been fixed.
  • Move form:
    • When inserting or appending a new segment, the selected segment would not always be selected correctly.
  • Main form
    • Corrected display of "Open Drive and Motor Database" text in drop down list which would display the active motor database type, when it should always be the same text
  • Motor & Drive Database form:
    • When in Backup Power Mode and selecting the Motor & Drive for a Kinetic Buffer axis, the Torque vs Speed performance chart was displaying the Const Vel application profile and not the backup power mode application profiles.
  • Project Cost Comparison:
    • When opening the Select Project File dialog for projects 1, 2 and 3, only v3 project files were permitted. Whereas it should be v3 and newer project files.
May 31, 2022Version 4.4.107


  • Japanese Translations
    • Updated various phrases related to new features, including Auxiliary Power Modules (APM), Kinetic Buffer (KB), Backup Power Mode, Master-Follower, Supply Peak Power Optimization, etc.
  • Energy Storage Modules Database
    • When the Power vs Time form is opened and the Operating Mode changed and the user returns to the database form, now the user is prompted to re-apply filters to update the product list for current operating mode
  • Main form
    • Updated Sample Project 18 - Energy Storage Solution -DSM
      • Including project notes text
    • Added Sample Project 21 - Cart mechanism
      • Highlighting the cart mechanism with programmable incline and motor brake control


  • Motor Model
    • Fixed the Motoring/Generating calculation for Asynchronous Motors (AM) under certain conditions
  • Main form
    • When using the Lite or Manufacturer version feature set and opening a project that does not use a gearbox at T2 and has a transformation at T3, the T3 transformation is lost.
      • Applies to program version v4.3.61 - v4.4.105 opening projects saved by v4.3.60 or older.
      • When opening the same project using Advanced/Pro version, the project opens correctly.
  • Drives Database Selection
    • The Req_Icont and Req_Ipeak variables were not handled properly when Number of Drives in Parallel > 1
May 14, 2022Version 4.4.105


  • System Check
    • When checking if the Gearbox Output Bearing Load ratio [F2am/F2rm] is exceeded, now if the rated value F2AN > 0, then the check is only performed when the application max axial force F2aMax > F2AN. As before, the ratio check always applies if F2AN = 0.


  • Motor Model
    • Fixed the Motoring/Generating calculation, when motoring at lower torque at higher speed in field weakening (FW) mode
      • In this specific scenario, what should have been inverter output power was handled as regenerative power, causing a large demand in Bleeder power in this scenario
  • Main form:
    • Energy Storage Solution view
      • Corrected tooltips for ESM_V1 and ESM_V0
    • Power subform
      • Fixed display text in window title bar where there would be repeated strings such as "ESS-x". This was caused when changing the language option. For each language change, an additional "ESS-x" would be added.
    • The Operating Mode and Version Mode button texts were not changed to the current language when the language option was changed
    • When opening a project where a Drive's Chopper is connected to an External Bleeder, and both the Drive and External Bleeder do not exist in the local database, only the Drive would be listed to add to the database, and not both. Now both products are listed to be added to the local database.
  • Gearbox Tilting Moment Calculation
    • Fixed issue for Rotary Mechanism where Shaft Loads not defined in Sequence and Unbalanced Load (UL) defined in Sequence, and the tilting moment from the UL was not calculated.
  • Energy Storage Modules Database form
    • Fixed "auto" calculations for NumESM and NumExM filters
May 1, 2022Version 4.4.103

New Features:


  • Supply Peak Power Optimization
    • Added full support for Energy Storage Modules to find the minimum Supply Peak Power including Constant Supply Power when possible
  • Add/Edit Rotary Motor form
    • Added support to generate AM parameters and curves based on nameplate data and Mn & nN
  • Main form
    • Reduced allowed max number of power samples from 100,000 to 10,000. This was done for two reasons.
      • First, so much data slows things down for very little improvement in accuracy.
      • Second, aligns with the max number of segments allowed when using a Kinetic Buffer axis in Backup Power Mode.
    • When right-click in the Treeview Power Group or Axis, the drop down list now includes a new item "Delete Sequences" where all sequences in the power group or axis can be deleted. The user is presented with the option to delete any or all of the Operating Mode sequences
    • When an axis power calculation is disabled, the automatic Cycle Time calculation no longer uses the disabled axis' cycle time
    • Now display the Gearbox rated mean speed and utilization
    • When Rotary Mechanism using an Unbalanced Load, now display the Max Load that includes the Unbalanced Load inertia (UL)
  • Motor Performance form:
    • Now display the Gearbox rated mean speed and utilization
  • Sequence form
    • Added option to copy Normal / Max-Stop / Backup Power sequence to active mode sequence
    • Enabled Join/Split Segments feature for all versions. Previously only enabled for PRO version with Optimizer.
    • Added support to Join/Split Pressure and Flow segments.
  • Move form:
    • Added "Motoring at standstill" checkbox, providing the option to specify the mechanism is "Motoring", meaning that it is applying the Thrust/Torque/Force, and therefore, the efficiency is [1/n]. When unchecked, the mechanism efficiency is [n].
    • Added X2 & Y2 values to fully define Sequence Shaft Loads in the Move form (applies only to Rotary Mechanism)
    • Now Education, Lite and Manufacturer versions can quickly Insert, Append, Duplicate a segment/move directly in the Move form
  • Move Segment
    • Added Copy Previous/Next Segment Values buttons to quickly copy the end values of the previous segment and the start values of the next segment in the sequence.
    • Applies only for Poly 3, 5 & 7 profile types
  • Pressure and Flow Segment form:
    • Added Copy Previous/Next Segment Values buttons to quickly copy the end values of the previous segment and the start values of the next segment in the sequence
  • Import/Export Sequence form
    • Added option to specify the decimal point format "." or ",". Previously the decimal format automatically used the Windows decimal point format.
    • Added support to Import and Export Power vs Time sequences for Auxiliary Power Module Sequence
    • Significantly improved performance handling large sequences for all sequence types
    • Improved error handling messaging and display by highlighting cells with errors
    • Rotary Mechanism
      • When importing a Time vs Velocity sequence, now have the option to import Fr, X2, Fa & Y2 values when shaft load values are defined in sequence
      • When importing a Time vs Velocity sequence, now have the option to import rUl & mUL values when unbalanced load values are defined in sequence
  • Rotary Mechanism form:
    • Added Sequence Shaft Loads Defined in Sequence checkbox
      • Added X2 & Y2 offsets for each move segment that are used to calculate the tilting moment at the adjacent gearbox output
      • Allows for much more detailed tilting moment calculations for sizing gearbox output stage bearings
  • Gearbox Shaft Loads
    • Added data point tooltip providing Force/Moment & Speed values when the user right-clicks to snap the crosshair to the nearest data point in the chart
    • Added Tooltip showing in detail how the Y2 value is calculated
  • Transformation form:
    • Now Education, Lite and Manufacturer versions can name a manually defined transformation
  • Energy Storage Modules
    • Added "Max Current limit"
    • Changed bus voltage variable names from "Uzr_DES" and "Uzr_DEV" to "ESM_V0" and "ESM_V1" respectively
  • Power vs Time form
    • Energy Storage Solutions
      • When an Energy Storage Solution [ESS], previously would display the total stored energy of the DC Bus + ESS. Now display each separately
      • Added ESS Max Voltage profile
      • Added ESS +Imax and -Imax Current profiles
    • Now display mechanism image when chart crosshairs selected, and update the mechanism position according to its position in the cycle. This was added to be help visualize and understand what is going on during a power loss in back up power mode when complex mechanisms/sequences
    • Now all "Max" profiles are dashed lines including Bus Max Energy, Bus Max Voltage, ESS Max Voltage, etc.
  • Project View Only Mode
    • Performance charts now viewable in "View Only Mode" for Power Groups, Motors, Transformations, Gearbox, Gearbox Shaft Loads, Actuators and Mechanisms.
      • This allows users with less capable feature sets view to more detailed performance data from projects created by Advanced and Pro versions.
      • Further, this change allows vendors to better support their customers when using their Pro version to better size/optimize a customer's Manufacturer version project, that can then share with their customer.
  • Gearbox Limits form:
    • Added Mean Input Speed limit
  • System Check
    • Added "C", "W" & "I" selections to show/hide each alarm type - Critical, Warning, Info.
    • When form first opened, in addition to sorting by Slot Number, added 2nd sort level sort by Alarm Type (C > W > I). Ie. Sort by "Slot" then by "Alarm Type"
    • When Gearbox Life cannot be calculated, added list of needed parameters to enable the Gearbox Life calculation (Lh, n2N, T2N)
    • When using Supply Peak Power Optimization, added the following to the message:
      • Ppf = <value> and Vt = <value>
        This feature requires:
        1) Controlled DC Bus voltage (ie. active Infeed, not passive)
        2) Programmable DC bus voltages for Target [Vt], Nominal [V0] and Threshold [V1]
        3) Programmable Peak Power Limit
  • Bill of Material
    • Now when the power calculations are disabled, added "(power calculations disabled)" under the type name (Drive/Bleeder/etc.) as a reminder that the power calculations are disabled for that item in the BOM
  • Project Notes
    • Improved handling of images pasted into the editor. Sometimes, images pasted from certain sources would not be handled properly, and while they appeared in the editor, they could not be scaled properly, and would not be included in the Print Report.
  • Print Report
    • Sequence Chart
      • When printing Sequence chart on its own page with "User Configured" profiles, then also use the same Y stacking used in the Sequence form
    • Transformation/Gearbox Page:
      • Now display the Gearbox rated mean speed and utilization
    • Rotary Mechanism page:
      • When Rotary Mechanism using an Unbalanced Load, now display the Max Load that includes the Unbalanced Load inertia (UL)
  • License Activation Wizard
    • Added "Save to File" button to save a license request to a text file that can be emailed to the license server
  • Added Harmonic Drive Feature Set
  • Gearbox Sizing
    • Added support for Harmonic Drive SE gearbox sizing rules and output bearing life calculations
    • When Gearbox Life and Bearing Life calculations result in values greater than their rated database values (Lh, Lh2), then ">Lh" is displayed
  • Gearbox Database
    • Added Typ = 10 = "Strain Wave Gear"
    • Added Typ2 = 4 = "Hollow Bore Flange"
    • Added Lh2type = 3 = "Harmonic Drive" which uses Operating Factor (fw)
    • Added new column "Torsional Rigidity for Resonance Frequency calculation" [Ctf2]
    • Added new column "Bearing pitch circle diameter at output" [dp2]
  • Vendors Database Tables
    • Now allow up to 2000 characters in the [Address] field, to allow multiple office locations "Vendors tables:
    • Added support for Product Zone variables - Z1, Z2, Z3, etc.
      • One zone can be defined by one or more other zones. Eg. "Z3: Z1, Z2, 826", which means the countries in Z1 and Z2 as well as the UK.
      • Note that the ProductZones supported since v4.0 - v4.3 are also supported for backwards compatibility. Only when "Z" is used, is v4.4 format assumed.
  • Help
    • Gearbox Shaft Loads page
      • Added detailed explanation of how Y2/1 and X2/1 are calculated
    • System Requirements
      • Changed Minimum Requirements from Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit as Windows 32-bit no longer supported
    • Organize Infeed, Bleeder, Capacitor, ESM and APM modules in "Bus Modules" folder
    • Added Power vs Time Sequence page
    • Added Power vs Time Segment page
    • Import Sequence page
      • Added "Pressure and Flow" and "Power vs Time" sections
    • Export Sequence page
      • Added "Pressure and Flow" and "Power vs Time" sections
    • Pressure and Flow Sequence
      • Added Split Segment section


  • Gearbox Shaft Loads form
    • Tilting Moment at Output:
      • When multiple axial loads, now use an "effective" Y2 value, which results in the proper tilting moment at the connected gearbox output. For example, the Disc Mass provides an axial load with Y2=0, and the Unbalanced Load provides an axial load at [rUL].
  • Main form:
    • When in the Power View and changing the language setting, sometimes axis power performance details would be displayed temporarily until the language conversion was completed
Apr 25, 2022Version 4.3.121


  • Pump Calculations
    • When a small Start Time value is used (for the first segment), if the end of the Pressure and Flow Sequence has a Flow <> 0, then sometimes the calculated acceleration and therefore pump torque can "spike".
  • Motor Model
    • Fixed the power calculated at low speed, where the power should always be positive when doing very little mechanical work. Starting with v4.3, Zero Velocity cross over (+ve velocity to -ve velocity or vice versa) was allowed mid-move/segment, without specifically stopping at zero at the start/end of a move/segment. And so this bug was caused by the new code that handles Zero Velocity cross over.
  • Print Report
    • Gearbox/Transformation Page
      • Fixed the Inertia Mismatch display value. The wrong units conversion factor was used.
  • Upgraded to CodeMeter v7.40b
    • CodeMeter v7.40b addresses a bug wrt not detecting a dongle plugged into the machine.
    • This was a rare bug reported by only a few users, occurring on specific windows setups.
Mar 15, 2022Version 4.3.120


  • Database v4.3.25 Mar 11, 2022
  • Update Program and Database Wizards
    • Added detailed error reporting in the wizard status field when a firewall blocks the version update xml file


  • Upgraded to CodeMeter v7.40a
    • Several CodeMeter bugs have been fixed in CMv7.40a addressing the known issues experienced since CMv7.30 was released
  • Chart Export Data
    • The code that checks the X values increasing sometimes detects “not increasing” even when they actually are.
      • This occurs when very small numbers with lots of decimals, which then results that the "Sample Period" box is hidden.
      • The idea is that you can only proper sample increasing X values. The reason for “false detection” has to do to with how “doubles” are handled at a low level. Ie. there is always a small “rounding” at say 16 decimals. This is now handled properly.
  • Main form
    • The Bleeder Bxt value was not adjusted for multiple bleeders when more than 1 external Bleeder connected to a drive
  • Motor Model
    • Fixed the power calculated at Standstill, where the power should always be positive at Standstill
      • Starting with v4.3, Zero Velocity cross over (+ve velocity to -ve velocity or vice versa) was allowed mid-move/segment, without specifically stopping at zero at the start/end of a move/segment.
      • And so this bug was caused by the new code that handles Zero Velocity cross over.
      • This has been fixed such that power is always positive at Standstill.
  • Motor Performance Chart
    • In rare cases, the Motor Cont Curve would be "compressed to the left at a lower speed". This occurred only for Motors where there were no 0 torque values in the Cont Curve data.
Jan 31, 2022Version 4.3.116


  • Upgraded to CodeMeter v7.30a
    • CodeMeter v7.20a was released March 2021, but the recent CodeMeter Updates of v7.30 and newer "broke" backwards compatibility with v7.20a and earlier.
    • This was discovered when several SERVOsoft users reported upgrading CodeMeter for other software, and then when they started SERVOsoft, a "License not found" message would appear.
    • This is entirely a CodeMeter issue. This release includes the newer CodeMeter v7.30a DLLs.
    • Install this version if you need to run CodeMeter v7.30a or newer.
    • Note: This version will not work with CodeMeter v7.20a or earlier.
Jan 15, 2022Version 4.3.110


  • Select Sequence Chart Profiles form:
    • When Master Follower power group, the first axis in the list would be displayed as "Ax1: Ax1", and is now corrected to display "Ax1: Master"
  • Master Follower:
    • When changing Master Constant Velocity to/from Variable sequence, the Follower axes motion profile units were not handled properly when opening the Move form for a Follower axis move
    • When switching from Max-Stop to Normal sequence, the Max-Stop axis sequences were not properly converted to Time
  • Linear Motors:
    • When an axis originally had a rotary motor with the brake enabled, and then switched to a linear motor, the brake was not disabled internally as it should have been, which caused the System Check "Motor brake holding torque exceeded" message
  • External Bleeder Database form:
    • The Bleeder Rated Max Voltage value was not being updated when changing the bleeder selection
    • When opening the database listing for the first time for an External Bleeder for an Infeed Module, the "internal" Bleeder Enabled flag sometimes is not set, then generating a database filter error for "Req_Pcont" and "Req_Ppeak" filter variables.
  • Inverter Output Power:
    • The rated output power was calculated using the Drive's Nominal Bus Voltage value in the database instead of that used in the active project.
  • Project View Only Mode:
    • When a version limited to 3 transformations (T1-GB-T2) opens a project in View Only Mode, the axis transformations were limited to T1-GB-T2 and they should not have been
  • Power vs Time form:
    • When stand alone axis (not shared bus), each axis Bus Max Energy profile displayed as 0J
  • Add / Edit Database Vendors form:
    • Now ensure Vendor Name does not contain "New Line" characters
Dec 2, 2021Version 4.3.108


  • B&R Feature Set:
    • Enabled Japanese language option


  • Main form:
    • When more than one Infeed Module in the same Power Group, the default slot description would have many repeats of "Inf-x" in the description. Same issue occured for Bleeder and Capacitor modules.
Nov 5, 2021Version 4.3.107


  • Main form:
    • Added "200Vac" to mains supply list, which is a common voltage used in Japan
    • Changed German translation for "Gearbox Life" from "Getriebe Lager" to "Lebensdauer Getriebe"
    • Now display the Energy Storage Utilization in the Power View above the Capacitor Module image. Previously, the Utilization was always 0% above the Capacitor Module, and the Energy Storage Utilization was only shown in the body of the Main form.
  • Inertia & Thrust Breakdown form:
    • In the first chart, changed the word "Load" to "Mechanism" to indicate the entire mechanism and not just the Load + Payload


  • Transformation form:
    • The Ratio input field allowed users to specify a Ratio for Couplings. For Couplings, the Ratio field should be locked and forced to 1:1.
  • Pump Calculations:
    • Fixed Total Efficiency calculation when the pump is operating in generating mode, where Hydraulic Power is flowing back into the pump
  • Inertia & Thrust Breakdown form:
    • Main form error flag was generated, and an additional transformaiton was displayed.
      • This was introduced recently when an “always reserved” transformation added before the Mechanism, which is hidden and only used for Tx+Linear Actuators and Gearbox+Pinions. It allows the manufacturer versions to have 3 transformations with a Tx+Linear Actuators and Gearbox+Pinions. Previously, those versions were limited to 2 transformations for those applications.
  • Main form:
    • When working in v3 Mode, and then open a new v4 project using features not available in v3, the project is opened in "View Only Mode" because the program thinks those features are not enabled in the current version.
    • When loading a project with Rack, Pinion and FMax data not in the database, only the Rack & Pinion data was presented to be saved in the database. Then re-opening the same project a 2nd time would present the option to add the FMax data. Now all 3 are presented when the project is first opened.
  • Database forms:
    • CombinedProductType filters were not being stored properly in the project file. They were treated as a numeric value whereby the comma separated list was converted to from a comma to a point.
  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed the importing of Rack & Pinion HelixAngle values. The "19.5283" value was being converted to “19.528299331665” internally before being saved to the database. This affected importing data using the Database Utility as well as data in a project file. The HelixAngle value is a “lookup” value used to combined Rack and Pinions. So any Rack & Pinion updates made in v4.3 "broke" Rack & Pinion combinations with a Helix Angle. This only affected the recent Atlanta product updates on Oct 6th and Oct 24th. This data has also been corrected in the latest database update.
Oct 9, 2021Version 4.3.105


  • Move form:
    • The Torque/Force vector load formula units were not being saved properly in the project file. So when units other than the defaults were set, the formula would work as expected until the project was re-opened, when the default units would be used.
    • Improved input error checking when Distance=0 and 1/2 or 1/3 applied. Previously this would be allowed and trigger the Main form error flag.
  • Manufacturer version Feature Sets:
    • When adding a new 2nd or 3rd axis, the number of Transformations was sometimes one less then should be.
Sep 29, 2021Version 4.3.104


  • Slider Crank:
    • Fixed the application of the Efficiency value at the Crank. In certain cases, the efficiency was being applied in the opposite manner. Ie. 1/n when should have been n, and vice versa
    • Fixed the application of the Transformation Thrust and Motor Friction Torque values, which were applied in the "opposite direction" when in the drive chain with the Slider Crank
  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed "hanging" issue when there are a lot of product data import errors the Database Utility is trying to log and display
Sep 6, 2021Version 4.3.101


  • Transformation form:
    • Added new button to convert a manually defined Transformation to a database record
  • Main form:
    • Added display of Transformation "Max input shaft diameter"
  • Print Report:
    • Added display of Transformation "Max input shaft diameter"
  • Parker Feature set:
    • Updated license activation and support emails to use and the Main form logo url to


  • Add Edit Transformation form:
    • Transformation Tab Icon image tab in tab was displaying the wrong image for each type
  • Main form:
    • Fixed error when loading a Linear Actuator project and the Main form error flag would be set
  • Print Report:
    • Fixed the Sequence table columns alignment for Servo Pump Pressure & Flow sequences
  • Slider Crank:
    • In v4.3, the Load Torque vector was added. In doing so, the Load Thrust code was modified and a bug was introduced where the direction of the Load Thrust was applied in the opposite direction. This bug is specific to the Slider Crank Thrust Load. This has been fixed.
  • Import Sequence form
    • When Importing Time vs Velocity/Accel with Load columns, the left border of the Thrust column would have a green left border instead of the default grey
Jul 16, 2021Version 4.3.97


  • Gearbox Shaft Loads form:
    • Added support for treeview grouping of Moves as done in the Motor Performance form
    • Added "Use calculated value" tooltip for each "arrow" checkbox button
  • Energy Storage Modules:
    • Now adjust I2t up to 101% if I2t is increasing each cycle


  • Motor I2t Model:
    • The I2t model was not calculated using the correct rated current for negative speed values.
  • Inertia Mass Calculator:
    • Fixed 'Generic' element inertia calculation when multiple Generic elements are added to the table sequentially. The inertia values were accumulating for each element.
      This bug was introduced in v4.3.
  • Rotary Motor Add/Edit form:
    • When 1.2x text scale factor, the last two input fields, [Jm] and [d], were not visible
  • All Mechanism forms:
    • Increased form width to accommodate 1.2x text scale factor
  • Gearbox Shaft Loads form:
    • When opening a project, if number of Sequence segments > 200, the shaft loads charts would have extra points at (0,0)
May 29, 2021Version 4.3.95

New Features:

  • Added Command Line Print to File feature (PRO version)
    • Allows other tools to command SERVOsoft to generate print reports of existing project files
    • Supported file formats are PDF and TXT


  • Power vs Time form:
    • Backup Power Mode:
      • Added "Insufficient backup power at" time in cycle
      • Added green and red shading in the chart to show the time window for backup power and when insufficient backup power
      • Softened yellow color for chart when in Backup Power mode
  • Help:


  • Import Sequence form:
    • Fixed display of "Load Formula Units", which should only be displayed when importing a formal Sequence Export
  • Sequence form:
    • Fixed display of "Load Formula Units", which should never be displayed when exporting a Sequence
  • Print Report:
    • Project Notes:
      • Fixed the display of Chinese and other graphic type characters that did not display properly in the Print Report Project Notes pages
May 8, 2021Version 4.3.92


  • Main form:
    • Now Gearbox shaft load values are displayed on the Main form when F2A / F2R / M2K <> 0
  • Select Sequence Chart Profiles:
    • When more than 1 power group, added separator line between each power group in the Axis drop down list
  • Pump Calculations:
    • Increased the Q -> n solver accuracy by 1000x, under all conditions. This was done to improve the quality of the acceleration profile derived from the pump speed [n], which is solved via the Q formula. The resulting jerk profile is also improved.


  • Main form:
    • When switching a Master-Follower Power Group from a Master with "Const Vel" to "Variable" or vice versa, the power calculations were reset to zero.
  • Manage Axes:
    • When moving an axis up or down, the Sequence Chart Profile Axis would not shift properly for those profiles where a specific axis/slot was specified
    • When copying a Power Group from the Source, Sequence Chart Axis profiles were not being re-aligned to point to the axes in the Target Power Group.
  • Sequence form:
    • Fixed Undo/Redo when the Variable Displacement checkbox is changed. Previously, after changing to/from a Variable Displacement sequence, if the user clicked Undo or Redo, the Main form error flag would be set.
  • Motor Cont Torque Chart:
    • Fixed issue of handling curves where the Cont curve has 2 or more non-zero points than the Peak curve
  • Add Edit Pump form:
    • The Pump Direction type (QdirTyp) was always saved as 'Positive Only' no matter the selected type setting.
  • Optimizer:
    • Better handling of input error messages for 'Accel Step' and 'Jerk Step' values, since when Master Constant Velocity, these values can be 0
  • CodeMeter
    • Adjusted a CodeMeter setting to address issues with Windows 7 users where the program would crash due to compatibility issues with CodeMeter v7.xx and Windows 7
Apr 12, 2021Version 4.3.88


  • Extended Covid19 Terminal Server option override to Oct 31, 2021
  • When the Free TS option ends and the message box is displayed, now the message box also includes "Free TS option for Covid-19 ended on [date]"


  • CodeMeter:
    • Upgraded to CodeMeter Runtime v7.20a
    • Adjusted two CodeMeter settings to make it less sensitive to certain enterprise security software to minimze the chance of CodeMeter Error 38 (FAC=0)
Apr 7, 2021Version 4.3.85


  • Database:
    • Added back 15 STOBER gearboxes used in the standard sample projects


  • Main form:
    • Fixed Combined Product not found text for Gear Motor where the gearbox model was prefixed with 'Pinion' instead of 'Gearbox'
Apr 2, 2021Version 4.3.84

New Features:

  • Added Master-Follower (PRO version)
    • Master-Follower mode defines the motion sequence for each Follower axis with respect to its Master axis position
    • Based on a Virtual Master with Modulo Distance and Time
    • Supports Master Sequence with Constant Velocity and Variable Sequence for dynamic scenarios such as Max-Stop mode
  • Added Command Line Interface (Pro version option)
    • The Command Line Interface is a new option that can be ordered with the PRO version that allows an external optimization tool to take control of SERVOsoft and utilize the Sequence Auto Update feature
    • The external tool can be a profile generator, program, spreadsheet, or an optimizing tool that adjusts the Sequence with each iteration


  • Extended Covid19 Terminal Server option override to Jun 30, 2021
  • Added Supply Peak Power Optimization (Pro version)
    • Supply Peak Power Optimization, located on the Power and Energy Profiles form, minimizes the Supply Peak Power in Shared Bus applications by finding the best balance of energy storage while optimizing two parameters - Infeed Peak Power Factor [Ppf] and Target Bus Voltage [Vt]. In the ideal case, the Supply Peak Power [Pmax] is reduced to a low constant power over the entire cycle. This is a common solution in the servo press industry, using a lot of bus storage, combined with managing the infeed supply power to reduce and smooth the mains supply.
  • Lite, Education & Manufacturer Feature Sets:
  • STOBER Feature Set:
    • Now the Rack & Gearbox-Pinion mechanism uses the hidden T3 transformation and therefore does not use the T2 transformation, allowing for T1-GB-T2 as is the case with all other mechanisms
  • Optimizer PRO Option:
    • Added Optimize Master-Follower, which optimizes an entire Power Group in Master-Follower mode with either a Constant Velocity or Variable Sequence Master
    • Added "Suggested Parameters" button
      • The 'Suggested Parameters' button is a great way to get started
      • Sets the Algorithm, Segment and Additional Constraints with suggested values Based on the Optimize Type
      • Suggested parameters tend to be "wider" and not too precise/tight to allow the Optimizer to find a good solution. The tradeoff being it may take longer to find an optimal solution.
    • Added Optimization Types:
      • Supply Peak Power
      • Supply Cont Power
      • Motor RMS Torque
    • Added new Transformation, Motor, Inverter, Infeed and Bleeder constraints
    • Grid Display:
      • Moves:
        • Now display the total Move Duration and Distance instead of the segment values in the data table, providing a cleaner look
      • Dwells:
        • Now do not display the Distance, StartVel, EndVel, Accel and Jerk values in the table since they are not inputs for a Dwell segment, also providing a cleaner look
  • Main form:
    • Added support for "Transformation Linear Actuator"
    • Added support for “Multiple External Bleeders per Drive”
    • Added support for multiple "Pumps" and "Motor Coupling Pumps" in parallel
    • Added "Split/Combine" feature for Combined Products to split into separate products, or combined them into one product. Applies to Gearbox-Pinions, Motor Pumps, Motor Linear Actuators, Gear Motors, Drive Motors and Drive Gear Motors
    • Added "Slot [x]" to the tree view and power view images tooltips so users can quickly find the Slot number for any component.
    • Now use "Ax" instead of "Axis" as the prefix to the Axis Description. This is consistent with other modules such as "Inf", "Bld" & "CM" for Infeed, Bleeder and Capacitor Modules
    • No longer display the Bleeder Energy Dissipation and Util on the Main form and Axis Drive performance.
      • Energy Dissipation was a common cause of user confusion.
      • Bleeder Energy Dissipation was a simple proxy for a thermal model.
      • Now with the Bxt overload model introduced in v4.2, Bleeder Energy Dissipation is no longer needed directly.
      • The rated Energy Dissipation is used in the Bxt model.
    • When more than 1 Power Group, the Power View highlights the selected Power Group Slots in the Power View
    • The selected stage in the Axis view is now highlighted
    • When Infeed Module with External Bleeder, now use a separate drop down button and list for all Bleeder items/actions
    • Added new sample project "19 - Master Follower + Optimizer"
    • Now display "n=x" at bottom of image when Number of Modules in parallel > 1
    • Now display Transformations performance data using "Rated / Req'd / Util" and only display "Input / Output / Util" when a gearbox with an input shaft and input bearing life calculations
    • Rack & Gearbox Pinions:
      • Added "Split/Combine" feature for Gearbox-Pinions
      • Added "Split/Combine" feature for Motor-Pumps and Motor-Coupling-Pumps
  • Drives & Bleeder Modules:
    • Added support for multiple External Bleeders per Drive
  • Sequence form:
    • Added Load Power profile, which is the power applied to the load
    • Added CTRL-G and CTRL-U shortcuts for "Group Segments to Move" and "Ungroup Move to Segments"
    • Grid Display:
      • For Moves, now display the total Move Duration and Distance instead of the segment values in the data table
      • For Dwells, now do not display the Distance, StartVel, EndVel, Accel and Jerk values in the table since they are not inputs for a Dwell segment
  • Move form:
    • Added Load Force/Torque, which is a vector independent of the direction of motion
    • Added Sequence Shaft Loads Fr, Fa, rUL & mUL (available only for Rotary mechanism)
    • Now allow Segments with "Zero Velocity Crossover"
      • This means SIGN(StartVel) <> SIGN(EndVel) is now allowed
      • Finding a solution is not always possible with some combinations where the net Distance=0, which means the distance going forward equals the distance going backwards
      • In most cases Distance=0 is best handled using "Time & Velocity" and allow the Distance to be calculated
  • Export & Import Forms:
    • Added the Export and Import of Segment Load Formula. Previously, only the Load Steps could be exported and imported.
    • Importing Load Formula is supported for any of the Load columns [Payload, Thrust, Torque/Force, Fr, Fa, rUL, mUL]
    • If a value in a Load column is not a number, then a formula is assumed for that value.
    • Load Formula Units are forced to the "base" units and apply to all formula being imported. Therefore, all imported formulae variables must use the base units for Rotary [s, °, °/s, °/s2] and Linear [s, m, m/s, m/s2].
  • Pump Performance Chart:
    • For 1-Pos, 2-Pos and Variable Displacement pumps, now display the rated PvsQ curve using the max displacement specified in the sequence. Previously, the nominal displacement value was used.
    • Added Pcont curve and Prms in PvsQ chart
  • Sequence Chart for Pumps:
    • For 1-Pos, 2-Pos and Variable Displacement pumps, now display the rated Qmax profile using the specific displacement specified at each sample in the sequence. Previously, the nominal displacement value was used.
  • Supply Power Details/Flow & Energy Cost form:
    • Significant improvements to the power flow and energy calculations details
    • Added breakdown at Mechanism Drive and Load for power flow and energy consumption details
    • Now the displayed Mechanical power is the power at the Load. Ie. the power used to move the load. For Servo Pumps, it is the hydraulic Power. In v4.2 and earlier, the power values were at the Mechanism Input
  • Ratio Analysis form:
    • Added 'Break' button to stop a long Calculation run
  • Rotary Mechanism:
    • Added "Defined in Sequence" checkbox for the Unbalanced Load
    • Added Radial (Fr), Axial (Fa) loads, as well as Unbalanced Loads Radius (rUL) and Mass (mUL) in the Sequence and Move forms
    • Added Load Formula support for Fr, Fa, rUL and mUL (Pro version only)
  • Rack & Pinion mechanism:
    • Previously all radial loads (Fr) generated from the pinion torque were absolute values. Ie. Always positive. Now Fr direction is applied as a vector. This is done for consistency with other mechanism and Fr vector values.
  • Slider Crank mechanism:
    • Position Based Load added to Slider Crank mechanism (PRO version only)
  • Pumps:
    • Added support for multiple "Pumps" and "Motor Coupling Pumps" in parallel
    • Renamed "Motor Coupling Pump" feature to "Motor Pump", as most vendors do not use a coupling. When a Coupling is used, then it is displayed as a "Motor Coupling Pump".
  • Linear Actuators:
    • Added support for a Transformation as part of ' Linear Actuator'
  • Motor Linear Actuators:
    • Added support for a Transformation as part of 'Motor Linear Actuator' and 'Drive Motor Linear Actuator'
  • Transformations Database:
    • Expanded Coupling database to Transformation database allowing for 'Gear' and 'Belt & Pulley' products stored in the database
    • Built with option for future transformation types including Shafts, Torque Limiters, Brakes, etc."
  • Ball Screw Database:
    • Added "ScrewType" column and filter to allow to filter on "Ball" or "Roller" screw type
  • Rack & Gearbox Pinions Database:
    • Significantly improved database listing query performance by 2-10x depending on the filters, application, and number of records
  • Energy Storage Modules Database:
    • When the power calculations process is aborted by the user, now the grid is not cleared. Instead, all solutions are listed including those that have not been calculated. For those records, the capacitance, power, current and utilization values are all zero/empty. When the user selects an "uncalculated" record, the performance values are calculated and updated.
  • All Databases Forms:
    • Now display total rated values in the table when NumModules > 1
    • Show "n=x" at top right of header cell when NumModules > 1
  • System Check:
    • Combined "Axis" and "Description" columns into 1 column. Eg. Ax1: X Axis
    • No longer display "new feature added" message for features added in v3, which reached its end of life on Dec 31, 2018.
  • Project Notes:
    • When image is selected, added "Image Size +" and "Image Size -" to the Edit menu and right-click context menu to easily re-size an image while maintaining the image aspect ratio
  • Inertia Mass Calculator:
    • Now use 1 image for both Axis a-a and b-b for the Cylinder and Block shapes
  • All Charts:
    • Added CTRL + Mouse Scroll Up/Down using the mouse wheel to zoom in/out on any chart
  • Print Report
    • Updated AMKmotion logo
    • Pumps:
      • Now display legend for the Pump PvsQ charts
    • Rotary and Slider Crank mechanisms:
      • Added display of Position Based Load table if specified in the project. Currently applies to Rotary and Slider Crank mechanisms.
    • System Check and Sequence pages:
      • Now the table column widths are calculated based on the available room inside the print margins so the entire page width is best utilized. This is an improvement for reports using non-standard page sizes.
    • Added Print to Text (TXT) file, where all text in the report is saved to a text file.
      • The text file uses "xml" like headers for each page to clarify and assist in parsing the page.
      • Note this is not an XML file. As such, it is not structured, and therefore, not as easy to parse through as an XML file.
      • A readable PDF report does not translate entirely to an XML file and vice versa.
      • The goal of the TXT output is to strike a balance between the two.
      • Where it makes sense, text and values are separated using TAB as the delimiter. So the rated/required/utilization data is easily handled, and also can be copied and pasted into Excel where those same TAB delimited tables can be managed easily.
  • Help:
  • CodeMeter:
    • Upgraded to CodeMeter Runtime v7.20, which provides significant performance improvements, but unfortunately adds 30MB to the install package
  • Installer:
    • Added language support for FR, IT, ES, TR, ZH & JA
    • CodeMeter Runtime full installer wizard launched near the end of the SERVOsoft installation
      • Running the CodeMeter full installer is preferred over the previous method of embedded merge modules.
      • Merge modules can lead to installer version conflicts. For this and other reasons, merge modules are no longer recommended by Microsoft.


  • Import Sequence form:
    • Fixed "automatic" decimal point handling when importing a text file that uses "," decimal on a machine where "." is the decimal
  • Numeric Text Box Calculator:
    • Fixed beeping when a user presses F1 for help when cursor in Numeric Text Box Calculator
  • Print Report:
    • Drive & Motor:
      • The Motor inertia was always displayed as 0
    • BOM:
      • Fixed the alignment of the Total Amount cell when displaying costs in the BOM page
Dec 29, 2020Version 4.2.224


  • Extended Covid19 Terminal Server option override to Mar 31, 2021
  • Main form:
    • Increased the Mechanism Model field width to better display Rack & Gearbox Pinion models from STOBER which tend to be quite long


  • Motor Model for PMSMs:
    • In v4.2.201 the motor electrical model was changed slightly from using the ke value in the database to calculating ke based on the loaded kt. While this improved the accuracy of the motor model in most cases, the corresponding adjustment to the inductance value was not applied properly using the loaded kt. This fix corrects this issue, and makes the motor voltages, currents and efficiency calculations slightly more accurate for a broader range of motors and parameters from different vendors.
  • Pumps:
    • Fixed Pressure Margin calculation, which sometimes showed the wrong margin and utilization for the max pressure
  • Database forms:
    • Fixed LegacyType filter when Type = 5 = "Available soon date on request"
  • Rack & Pinion performance form:
    • Fixed positioning of each factor drop down lists, which were 2-3 pixels misaligned with its textbox
  • Main form:
    • When the current project is in v3 mode, and the user tries to open a project that uses features added in v4, the program thinks the features are not available and forces the project into "View Only Mode". Previously the fix around this was either to open a blank project or switch to v4 mode, and then open the project.
Dec 1, 2020Version 4.2.223


  • Extended Covid19 Terminal Server option override to Mar 31, 2021


  • Main form:
    • When removing a selected Gear Motor, the axis would not revert back to the standard Motor-T0-T1… configuration. Rather it would remain as an unselected Geear Motor. Now once the Gear Motor is removed, the axis reverts to the standard Motor-T0-T1… configuration.
  • Pump Mechanism:
    • Fixed the handling of Shorter Sequences, which was not working for Pumps because the Displacement value was not handled properly beyond the sequence time. As such, with Displacement=0, all pump calculations beyond the sequence time returned a 0 value.
  • Sequence form:
    • Fixed the display of the Motor Rated Max Torque profile when NumMotors > 1
  • Move form:
    • Load & Thrust Formula:
      • "MOD" expression (modulus) was not working and caused an error "Invalid formula... "Unexpected Token "MOD" <IDENTIFIER>; expected one of [EOF]"
  • Print Config:
    • The previously saved value for the 'Energy Cost' checkbox was always checked when opening the Print Config form. Now the last saved setting is used when the form is first opened.
    • The previously saved value for the Sequence 'Max Pages' setting was not set when opening the Print Config form. The 'All' pages was always pre-selected. Now the last saved value is selected when the form is first opened.
  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed error when source is a v3 spreadsheet/database. The routine handling the source Vendor tables did not handle the ProductZones column, which did not exist in v3.
    • Added special error handling when primary key duplicates exist in the source table
Sep 30, 2020Version 4.2.220


  • Extended Covid19 Terminal Server option override to Dec 31, 2020


  • Infeed Module Database:
    • Fixed 'Typ' filter, which was not listing the correct Infeed Module Types
  • Motor Model:
    • Fixed Motor I2t bug where a very high I2t value would occur when no drive is selected, and therefore the Nominal Bus Voltage = 0.
  • Rotary Mechanism form:
    • Corrected the language phrase for "Position 360deg modulo" in the Load tab in the Position Based Load
Aug 16, 2020Version 4.2.215


  • Control Techniques version:
    • Updated Main form logo url to
  • Added the following to Pinions.InterfaceTyp2 list for Apex Dynamics interface types:
    • 112 = ISO 9409-1-A-250
    • 2001 = AP090 50-12-M6
    • 2003 = AP140 80-16-M8
    • 2004 = AP200 125-16-M10
    • 2006 = AP285 160-12-M24
    • 2101 = AP CURVIC 36
    • 2102 = AP CURVIC 46
    • 2103 = AP CURVIC 60
    • 2104 = AP CURVIC 80
    • 2105 = AP CURVIC 90
    • 2106 = AP CURVIC 120
    • 2107 = AP CURVIC 132


  • Main form:
    • When Rack & Pinion selected that has Load Factor Type [Lftyp] = 'Manual', 2 input fields were displayed, when only the Load Factor input field should have been displayed.
  • Rack & Pinions:
    • The Load Factor input value was not applied to the de-rated FMax value when Rack & Pinion has Load Factor Type [Lftyp] = 'Manual'.
  • Rotary Knife Template:
    • The "Invalid profile data" would occur for valid inputs when the 1/2 Motion Rule was applied for CAM profiles. This was due to a very small rounding error that was not handled correctly. This bug only occurred for a very specific combination of inputs.
  • Import Sequence:
    • Corrected bug that would trigger the Main form error flag when opening a spreadsheet for Sequence Import that was previously imported from the same spreadsheet file, and the worksheet is not the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
  • Motor, Gearbox Database forms:
    • When one or more columns are grouped, such as the 'Vendor' column, and the user switches to another vendor, the switchover would misalsign the Model field located below the performance chart.
Jun 27, 2020Version 4.2.203


  • Print Report:
    • For users with LTi Motion Logo enabled, now using new hi-res KEBA logo for LTi Motion.
  • Japanese Translations:
    • Changed "Stages" from "段" to "減速段数"
    • Changed "Dwell" from "滞留" to "休止時間"
    • Changed "Ratio" from "減速機" to "減速比"


  • Main form:
    • When removing a selected Capacitor Module using the drop down item (not Manage Axes), the calculations were not reset automatically. Ie. The calculations were still showing results as if the capacitor module was present in the systems, instead of being an empty capacitor module slot with no module selected
  • Motor Model:
    • The ASM electrical calculations would default to 0 when there is an empty sequence.
  • Manage Axes form:
    • Fixed the auto-naming when multiple Infeed, Capacitor or Bleeder modules. When working on Power Group 2 or higher, when adding more than 1 Infeed Module, the prefix "Inf-x" would not be displayed. Same issue fixed for Bleeder and Capacitor modules.
  • Move form:
    • When a Segment has invalid time, distance and velocity inputs, the "S-curve" value would show "NaN". It now shows "0" in this case.
    • Fixed layout under the 'Performance' tab when a Motion Segment (no Const Vel and Decel) where some pixels appeared just to the right of the Jerk units drop down
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Sequence form:
    • When in 'View Only Mode', the incorrect profiles were displayed for Motor Coupling Pump applications
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Import Trace:
    • Display problems occured when opening the Import Trace form working on an axis where its sequence had been imported from a file
  • Energy Storage Solution:
    • The required "Storable energy for Backup Power" would display as "not a number value" [NaN] when no Energy Storage Module was selected
  • Motor Performance form:
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Transformation Performance form:
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Ratio Analysis form:
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Power vs Time form:
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • Bus Discharge form:
    • Chart toolbar extra buttons were showing tooltips even when the 'Do not show tooltips' checkbox in the Options form was set
  • QuickCalc Numeric Input Dialog:
    • Now allow the input of numbers with "e-n". Previously, "e-" would trigger an invalid number
  • Database Utility:
    • Added check if LF curve has LF values < 0
    • Improved error handling of Numeric values provided as text values
May 13, 2020Version 4.2.202


  • System Check:
    • Added a note to the "Inverter Ixt limit exceeded" message when the application standstill holding current is greater than 2/3 of the Inverter rated continuous current.
      • "Note: The inverter rated current, Io, is de-rated by 2/3 at standstill to account for 2 of 3 phases that are working."
      • The purpose is to inform the user of the standstill derating factor to help the user understand why Ixt is higher than expected when a significant standstill current is required by the application.
  • Database Utility:
    • Ensure all hidden rows are handled when importing spreadsheet data


  • Print Report:
    • Gearbox page:
      • Now display the Transformation’s Rated Max Torque at the speed where the application Max Torque occurs, same as done in the Gearbox Performance form. Previously, the Rated Max Torque at standstill was displayed.
    • Sequence Page:
      • Corrected Pump Displacement units conversion for display when Variable Displacement application
  • Move form:
    • For a Winder Center Driven, when a Segment, the "Use Motor Velocity" inputs button would not handle "Time/Speed" inputs properly. This has been corrected to seamlessly switch between "Load Velocity" and "Motor Velocity" inputs for all inputs, including "Time/Speed".
  • QuickCalc Numeric Input Dialog:
    • When using the dialog and enter a number then delete it, a parsing error occurred. Now when that row is empty, it is handled without an error or message
Apr 28, 2020Version 4.2.201


  • Motor Model:
    • Improved PMSM motor model for better accuracy and consistency in the motor electrical power calculations by computing the dynamic voltage constant [ke] based on overload, temperature, etc. instead of using the database value. The reason for this change is some vendors provided the [ke] value in the database as the unloaded cold value, which skews the power calculations as the motor is loaded.
  • Help:
    • Improved German translations throughout the help file
    • Updated all images in the Database Utility pages


  • Pump Hydraulic Power:
    • Corrected the Hydraulic Power calculation to use “delta Pressure”, "dP", instead of
      “Total Pressure", which is "P = dP + Poffset”
  • Motor Efficiency form:
    • Fixed a bug where the motor efficiency chart would plot the last datapoint at 0rpm when it should be at the maximum rpm.
  • Main form:
    • For Shared Bus Systems, changing the 'Total Bus Capacitance' Units and the 'Max Bus Storeable Energy' units would not convert the displayed values to the selected units. The values were always displayed in their base units.
  • Power Calculations:
    • For Stand Alone Bus applications, the ChopperEfficiency was applied 2x to the Bleeder Power Profile, making the Bleeder Peak Power 3% lower than it should have been, assuming a ChopperEfficiency of 97%
  • Database Utility:
    • The Right-click menu in the Table Details form was not translated into the active language
    • Added additional error checking for "NaN" and "Infinity" values. If such numbers make it into the database, then when using the program, those values "Break" some database calls.
Apr 3, 2020Version 4.2.132


  • Terminal Server (TS) option enabled for all users due to Covid-19
    • The TS option allows users to use a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to connect to a work machine from home and run SERVOsoft® on their work machine.
    • The free TS option has an expiry date of Sept 30, 2020, which may be extended as needed in future releases if Covid-19 continues to require people to work from home.


  • Stober Version:
    • Fixed a bug opening a Rack & Gearbox Pinion project and it would open in "View Only Mode" even though everything was fine in terms of the vendors and the feature was enabled.
    • Updated the Sample 1 & 4 projects where the selected gearboxes had been renamed in the recent database update.
    • Refined all sample projects by refining and adding some filters to reduce long product listings
  • Control Techniques version:
    • Updated the Sample 2 project, which was using a motor that is no longer in the database.
  • System Check:
    • When the Gearbox output shaft diameter <> Pinion input hub diameter, the Critical alarm flag would set, but no message would appear in System Check
Mar 30, 2020Version 4.2.131


  • Terminal Server (TS) option enabled for all users due to Covid-19
    • The TS option allows users to use a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to connect to a work machine from home and run SERVOsoft® on their work machine.
    • The free TS option has an expiry date of Sept 30, 2020, which may be extended as needed in future releases if Covid-19 continues to require people to work from home.


  • Racks database table:
    • Model filter was not visible in condition drop down list. Fixed in Database v4.2.110
    • When a Rack & Pinions has been selected in the project, the form would attempt to be find the Rack when opening the Racks table
  • Pinions database table:
    • Model filter was not visible in condition drop down list. Fixed in Database v4.2.110
    • When a Rack & Pinions has been selected in the project, the form would attempt to be find the Pinion when opening the Pinions table
  • Racks Pinions Feed Force database table:
    • When a Rack & Pinion has been selected in the project, the form would attempt to be find the Rack & Pinion when opening the Racks Feed Force table
  • Database Utility:
    • Fixed a bug importing Racks and/or Pinions data with a Helix Angle of 19.5283 deg when done on a machine with a Windows locale that uses a comma as decimal point. In this specific case, the imported Racks and/or Pinions data would not combine and show in the 'Rack & Pinions' and/or 'Rack & Gearbox Pinions' database forms.
Mar 27, 2020Version 4.2.130


  • Terminal Server (TS) option enabled for all users due to Covid-19
    • The TS option allows users to use a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to connect to a work machine from home and run SERVOsoft® on their work machine.
    • The free TS option has an expiry date of Sept 30, 2020, which may be extended as needed in future releases if Covid-19 continues to require people to work from home.
  • Vendors forms:
    • Added tooltip for ProductZone to show the full list of countries when the mouse hovers over the ProductZone cell
  • Database Utility:
    • In the 'Check Combinaitons' function, added check to verify the Combined Products sub-models are defined as CombinedProductType = 'Combined' or 'Stand Alone and Combined', which allows them to be used in a combined product
  • Combined Products Database form:
    • In the 'Check Combinations' function, added check to verify the Combined Products sub-models are defined as CombinedProductType = 'Combined' or 'Stand Alone and Combined', which allows them to be used in a combined product
  • Main form:
    • Added display of Country 3-letter ISO name in status bar
    • When double-click the country in status bar, short cut opens to the Options form Country tab
  • System Check:
    • Added message for Vendor Product Zone errors
  • Options form:
    • Added "Do not ask to select license at startup" checkbox
  • German Translations:
    • Updated over 1,390 German phrase translations in the program language table


  • Energy Storage Solutions:
    • Fixed the ‘Auto’ calculation of the Uzr_DES, which should never be < Nominal Bus Voltage [Vo]. In such a case, when the auto calculation means Uzr_DES < Vo, then Uzr_DES = Vo.
    • And if the user manually sets Uzr_DES < Vo, then there is a System Check Critical message stating Uzr_DES must be >= Vo
  • Add Edit Drive form:
    • Fixed display of the Inverter Ixt model for the type B&R Fast Slow model under the "Ixt0: Fast" tab
  • Rack and Pinion Mechanism form:
    • Fixed Vendor Model display string, which would always display the "Gearbox Pinon" prefix even when a Rack & Pinion
  • System Check:
    • For STOBER gearboxes, no longer display "Output bearing life data not in database (Lh2, p2, K2)"
Mar 15, 2020Version 4.2.122


  • Sequence Chart:
    • A positive Thrust is now displayed as a positive value in the Sequence Chart regardless of the Velocity direction.
      • The displayed Thrust profile has been confusing some users when there is a negative Velocity with a positive Thrust in the table, which is displayed as a negative Thrust in the chart.
      • This started 15 years ago with v2 in 2004. The idea at the time was to align Thrust with the Velocity and Accel profiles in the chart. So visually they all switch directions together when the direction of the move is flipped from positive to negative.
      • The problem is that it is not consistent with the SERVOsoft definition of Thrust, ”a positive Thrust is acting against the direction of motion“.
      • Now this has been changed. A positive Thrust is now displayed as a positive value in the Sequence Chart regardless of the Velocity direction.
  • Disabled STOBER bearing lifetime calculations for now until motor adapters feature is added sometime in v4.3
  • Pump Calculation Engine:
    • Now process Pumps.Q formula when Q>Qmax and D>Dnom. Previously, when Q or D were outside the maximum rated value, the formula result was approximated using n = Q / D a 1000 to save resources. Now the Q formula is always processed.
  • Move form:
    • When Pump Sequence is Variable Displacement, the tab title is 'dPressure, Flow and Displacement'
    • Changed the Pressure label text from 'Pressure' to 'd Pressure'
  • Sequence form:
    • Renamed pressure column titles from 'Start Pressure' and 'End Pressure' to 'Start dP' and 'End dP'.
    • Renamed flow column titles from 'Start Flow' and 'End Flow' to 'Start Q' and 'End Q'.
  • Print Report:
    • Added 'Start D' and 'End D' columns to Sequence table when Variable Displacement Sequence.
    • Renamed pressure column titles from 'Start Pressure' and 'End Pressure' to 'Start dP' and 'End dP'.
    • Renamed flow column titles from 'Start Flow' and 'End Flow' to 'Start Q' and 'End Q'.
  • Japanese Translations:
    • Changed 'Type 2' from '出力形式' to '出力のタイプ'
    • Changed 'Dwell' from ‘滞留’to ‘休止'
    • Changed 'Ratio' from ‘減速機’ to ‘減速比'
    • Changed 'Expires' from ‘期限切れ’ to ‘有効期限’
  • Upgraded to CodeMeter Runtime v6.90b


  • Main form:
    • Fixed Main form error flag being set when user selects a Gear Motor starting from a blank axis with no Gear Motor currently selected.
  • Pump Calculations:
    • Fixed an optimization bug in the calculation engine that would not handle changing Displacement values in a Variable Displacement sequence.
Feb 24, 2020Version 4.2.117


  • Moog Feature Set:
    • Enabled support for "Danfoss NX Infeed Modules"
  • Main form:
    • STOBER Gearbox translation for "Load factor fBop" the phrase "Cyclic reversing duty" changed from "Zyklusbetrieb reversierend" to "Zyklusbetrieb reversierende Last"
  • Ball Screw Force vs Speed form:
    • Added Lifetime (hours) calculation
    • Replaced "Lifetime (distance)" German translation of "Maschinenlaufzeit (Weg)" with "Laufleistung (weg)"
  • Print Report:
    • Ball Screw Mechanism:
      • Added Lifetime (hours) calculation Replaced "Lifetime (distance)" German translation of "Maschinenlaufzeit (Weg)" with "Laufleistung (weg)"
      • Added 'Lifetime (cycles)' to the Ball Screw mechanism page
  • System Check:
    • Added check if the motor is very small wrt to the gearbox (Gearbox.TN / [Motor.To x Gearbox.i x Gearbox.Eff)]. If this ratio is > 10, then the warning message "The friction inside the gearbox could be too great to operate the gearbox with the selected motor. Please contact [Vendor] for assitance." is added.
    • Added new critical message when the solver is unable to solve the Pumps.Q formula. "Maximum iterations reached. The solver was unable to solve the formula [Q]."
  • Options form:
    • Updated Country List and Codes to latest ISO 3166 standard. Added some countries such as Montenegro, Serbia, South Sudan, Guernsey, and Jersey, but list still does not include all countries, specifically some small island countries.


  • Pressure & Flow form:
    • The TAB order was not correct when variable displacement inputs were enabled. Ie. which control the focus moves to when the user presses the TAB key
  • Pump Formula Solver:
    • Solver 1st pass "optimization predictor" would not fund a good starting point in some cases, and the solver would reach the maximum number of iterations error. Now if the 1st pass "optimization predictor" is too far away, then no optimization is used, allowing a solution to be found for a much wider range of parameters.
  • Optimizer form:
    • When the Optimization target is "Accel & Decel", the wrong units were displayed in the Results column
  • Import Sequence form:
    • Corrected issue where the last line of a sequence was not included when pasted from the clipboard
  • Sequence Select Profiles Form:
    • Transformations would be listed for 'Motor Coupling Pump' and 'Motor Linear Actuator' applications when they should not be available for these applications
  • Moog Feature Set:
    • The Moog bleeders were accidentally disabled when the 'Michael Koch' bleeders were enabled. Now both 'Moog' and 'Michael Koch' bleeders can be seleted in the Moog version.
  • Drive Motor Linear Actuator Database:
    • Fixed the loading database error that triggered the Main form error flag
  • Ball Screw Database:
    • Fixed the Pitch/Lead [P] filter, which was not handling the units convertion properly
Jan 23, 2020Version 4.2.114


  • Moog Feature Set:
    • Enabled support for "Danfoss NX Drives" and "Michael Koch" Bleeders
    • Danfoss product data will be added in the future
  • Database:
    • Released with Database v4.2.102 Jan 22, 2020, which includes
      • Moog Ball Screws
      • Apex Dynamics Rack & Pinions
    • Pinions:
      • Added “506 = Spline 80x2x38” to Pinions.InterfaceTyp2 list (for Apex Dynamics)
    • All Vendor tables:
      • Changed the string length for the 'ProductZone' column from 255 to 2000 characters. Previously, the 'ProductZone' field was limited to 255 characters, which would limit the product zones to approximately 60-65 countries. Now, it is possible for all country IDs to be included in the product zone definition
    • Minimum Database Version is v4.2.100
  • Database Utility:
    • Now include ProductZone field when adding a new Vendor from a source file
  • Bill of Material:
    • Added 'screw length' to Ball Screw description when database product
  • Ixt Overload Model:
    • For the B&R Fast model, now Apply Factor F=2 always. Previously, F=2 was applied only when U>200%.
  • Pump Database:
    • Added new formula variables, 'Delta Pressure' [dP] and 'Pressure Offset' [Pos], that can be used in the Q, Ql, M, & L formulae, providing more flexibility for defining the pump Q, Ql, M, & L formulae. These variables have also been added to the Add/Edit Pump form and the Pumps worksheet in the database spreadsheet.
  • Pump Performance Chart:
    • Changed "dP" in performance charts scale labels back to "P" since it is absolute pressure that is charted in the PvsQ performance charts and the Sequence Pump Pressure profile, not delta pressure. Now, delta pressure is only charted for the Sequence Load Pressure, so only the Sequence Chart Load Pressure has the units "dP".
    • Added display of Pump Nominal Displacement in Flow [Q] X Scale, to clarify the chart is based on the nominal displacement. This can be helpful even though the displacement changes for Variable Displacement applications.
  • Motor Coupling Pump performance chart:
    • Now better align the pump flow X Scale in the chart with the Motor speed X Scale. It is approximate since losses are not included in the calculation. But this better "connects" the pump and motor application profiles in the two plot areas in the same chart.
  • System Check:
    • Added more refined messages when Nominal Bus Voltage is greater than and less than the Motor Peak Curve Voltage. Specifically, Info / Warning when > 5% / 15%, and Info / Warning / Critical when < 99% / 95% / 90%
  • Options form:
    • Added additional text to clarify the program needs Internet access with download rights to get program and database updates as well as periodic license validation.


  • Main form:
    • The Transformation button in the wizard was not visible for the Manufacturer versions
  • Pump Performance Chart:
    • The Rated Flow curve was not displayed correctly at the Max Flow & Speed area of the chart, where the pressure remained at max pressure. Now at max speed, the pressure is tapered to allow for the increased in rated flow at max speed at lower pressure.
  • Select Sequence Profiles form:
    • When copying profiles from a 2 pump to 1-pump axis, the Pump B profiles were not removed, resulting in blank profiles displayed in the 1-pump sequence chart
Dec 15, 2019Version 4.2.112


  • GUDEL Feature Set:
    • Enabled GUDEL version
  • Bonfiglioli Feature Set:
    • Enabled Japanese language
  • Baumueller Feature Set:
    • Enabled Multiple Modules per axis feature, which includes multiple Drives, Motors and Transformations in parallel in the same axis
  • All Promotion Versions Feature Sets:
    • Enabled 'Project View Only' mode for all Manufacturer Versions. When opening a project using features not enabled in current version, the Main form is essentially locked down so the user can see the project layout and general performance values on the Main form. Otherwise all other features are locked/disabled. The user still has the option to open the project as before with the disabled features' inputs removed.
  • Sequence form:
    • Now draw Cart mechanism when chart crosshairs selected
    • Added new profile for Slider Crank, "Position 0 = BDC", where BDC = Bottom Dead Center. This allows users to view the position profile where the fully extended position is defined as 0mm, which is very helpful for those sizing a slider crank vertical press.
    • Sequence Auto Update feature: Decreased sampling time from 100ms to 20ms
  • All Linear mechanisms:
    • Now allow incline angle from -90deg to +90deg. Previously minimum was 0deg. Includes Linear Actuator, Cart, Ball Screw, Rack & Pinion ,etc.
  • Print:
    • Cart mechanism:
      • Now display the range of the Incline angle when Incline angle varies during the sequence
  • Pump mechanism:
    • Now only display maximum efficiency value when the minimum = 0%. When minimum > 0, then display the range 'Min >= Max' as before.
    • Now set default values for Kinematic Viscosity and Oil Density inputs
  • System Check:
    • The Motor Max Voltage Critical message would appear when the Drive.ThresholdVoltage > Motor.MaxVoltage. This has been changed to the Nominal Bus Voltage. Therefore, the Critical message only appears when Drive.NominalVoltage > Motor.MaxVoltage.
    • Changed 'Legacy Type' message type from 'Warning' to 'Info' Changed 'Product Data Is Old' message type from 'Warning' to 'Info'
  • Database Utility:
    • Added check for Motors when ImaxFW and FW Curve are inconsistent. ImaxFW = 0 and Peak0_P0_TFW > 0. Ie. When a FW curve is provided but FW not possible when ImaxFW = 0. ImaxFW > 0 and Peak0_P0_TFW = 0. Ie. ImaxFW current is provided when no FW curve is provided.


  • Main form:
    • For Stand Alone axes, the Drive 'Storeable Energy' would always show as 0J because this display value was not being calculated for stand alone axes
    • Previously, when opening a project in View Only Mode, the Number of Components in parallel drowp down was hidden. Now it is visible. Applies to Number of Motors, Drives, Transformations, etc.
  • Drive Mechanics forms:
    • When opening an existing project and then opening the mechanism form for either the Cart, Rack & Gearbox Pinion, Dual Conveyor, Dual Rack Conveyor, Winders Surface Driven, Winder Center Driven, Slider Crank, Linear Motor mechanisms, would default to the Conveyor mechanism form.
Nov 18, 2019Version 4.2.104


  • Motor I2t Model:
    • Now the I2t model is always computed no matter the cycle time. Previously, when the cycle time was < 5% of the motor's thermal time constant, Tth, the program would use only the motor's RMS Torque and not compute I2t. This was done for 2 reasons. First, RMS Torque is a good thermal model for shorter cycle times. Second, in some cases, the I2t model required 1000s of cycle time computations to establish the long run final settling value. However, this "Cycle Time < 5% * Tth" approach exposed one weakness, which was the I2t model de-rates the holding torque at standstill. Ie. the standstill rated torque, To, and corresponding standstill current, Io, is de-rated because only 2 of 3 windings is working at standstill. RMS Torque does not consider this, which is why I2t now is always computed.


  • Sequence form:
    • When the user would try to Split or Join a Segment when no Segment was selected in the grid, the Main form error flag would be set
    • Fixed the charting of the Load Position/Distance profile when start position <> 0 for shorter sequences that repeat
  • Pumps:
    • Corrected Pump Volumetric Efficiency calculation to use the inverse when P*Q<0
  • Database:
    • Corrected the handling of small numbers (< 0.00001) when reading product data from the database.
Oct 31, 2019Version 4.2.103


  • Pumps Database:
    • When a Pump with a leakage flow [Ql] value (not a formula) is selected in the product list, a Main form error would occur when parsing the Ql variable.
    • The "View Documentation" button at the top right of the form would always be disabled for any pump, even when the [DocPath] field contained a valid web site url.
  • Motor Model Calculations:
    • Sometimes the motor model calculations would not adjust to the winding temperature when the cycle time would change significantly. Ie. The previous winding temperature (hotter or colder) was used.
Oct 25, 2019Version 4.2.102

New Features:

  • Project View Only Mode:
    • Added "Project View Only Mode" when opening a project using features not enabled in the user's license/version. The Main form is essentially locked down so the user can see the project layout and general performance values on the Main form. Otherwise all other features are locked/disabled. The user still has the option to open the project as before with the disabled features' inputs removed.
  • Rotary Mechanism:
    • Added Position Based Load (Pro version only) where users can import a table of Position, Inertia, Thrust & Torque, where Torque is a vector


  • Options form:
    • Added Text Size Factor to increase or decrease the text size throughout the entire program
  • Main form:
    • Changed worst case utilization from "200%" to ">999%" when a motor, drive, gearbox, etc. is operating outside its rated curve
  • Gearbox Sizing Rules:
    • Added support for STOBER bearing life calculations, Lh10
    • Added support for STOBER G3 Sizing Rules
  • Energy Storage Modules database:
    • When no NumESM or NumExM filter, now allow all combinations, which is the same behaviour as all other filters. Ie. Do not force "auto" filter when no NumESM or NumExM filter. The user can click "Abort" if they don't want to wait.
    • Added additional syntax checks for NumESM and NumExM filters, to handle when no numeric values are entered
  • All Databases:
    • Added new LegacyType 5: 'Available soon, date on request'
  • Database Spreadsheet:
    • Renamed the LFTyp & Lh2Typ descriptions for the STOBER sizing G2 rules
  • System Check:
    • Added L10 definition message when bearing life calculations are used
    • Added check if Motor Max Torque at standstill could exceed the Transformation Max Output Torque Limit. This includes the Coupling, Gear, Belt & Pulley and Gearbox. If yes, a warning message is displayed. Previously, this check and warning message only applied to Gearboxes.
  • Italian translations:
    • The word “coglione” is changed to “variazione” in the handful of phrases, so it matches the rest of the places where the word “Jerk” is used.
  • Help:
    • Belt Forces page:
      • Added clarification that the Radial force seen by the Drive Pulley = 2x the preload force, or the acceleration force, whichever is greater
    • Rotary page:
      • Added comment explaining that Mass values are only used for Torque due to Friction when Incline <90deg
    • Ball Screw page:
      • Added comment explaining that the "Support" type selection (Fixed-Free, Fixed-Fixed, etc.) is only used for lifetime calculations for product in the database


  • Bleeders:
    • Rated Energy Dissipation was not adjusted for the number of bleeder modules
  • Manage Axes form:
    • When a Source Project with more axes than the target is loaded, the Main form error flag was triggered.
  • Energy Storage Modules database:
    • Corrected the opening of v4.0 projects where the Number of Modules value was not being set
    • Corrected the filtering selection of DEV, DEK and DSM solutions with Backup Supply Power
  • Motor Coupling Pump Database:
    • When launching the 'Motor Coupling Pumps' database from the Pump mechanics form, the 'Pumps' database would appear instead of the 'Motor Coupling Pumps' database.
  • Pump Mechanism form:
    • When the Axis Type is a 'Motor Coupling Pump' and the user launches the Pump Performance form, the Main form Error flag would be set
  • Gearbox Pinion Performance form:
    • The Gearbox LFs were not being displayed
  • Rack & Pinion:
    • When an a “Rack & Gearbox Pinion” has already been selected and then the axis type is changed to a “Rack & Pinion” mechanism, the Gearbox-Pinion selection was not completely removed internally. And this would prevent output bearing life calculations.
  • Add Edit Rack And Pinion form:
    • When opening just the Pinion product data, the PressureAngle would not be loaded, and therefore, always defaulted to 0
    • Changing the Pinion.CombinedProductType would not be saved to the database
  • Add Edit Ball Screw form:
    • The Max Screw Length [SMax] value was not loaded into its textbox when loading the data from the database
  • Mechanism forms:
    • When the Options 'Main form image scale factor' > 1.2, the mechanism form layout would have elements covered
  • Database Forms:
    • When a' Drive Motor& Gearbox', 'Drive Motor & Linear Actuator' or 'Drive Motor & Pump' database is opened and there is not enough room for the Drive data, when the 'Drive' tab is clicked for the first time, the Gearbox /Linear Actuator / Pump data is minimized to make room for the Drive data to the right of the form
  • Print Report:
    • The Sequence table would go out of alignment by 1 cell when the Brake column was included when "Brake On/Off defined in Sequence"
  • Sequence form:
    • Fixed Undo/Redo when pasting Variable Displacement for Servo Pump Pressure, Flow & Displacement Sequences
Jul 27, 2019Version 4.2.19


  • Main form:
    • Now the Motor Max Torque rated value is displayed at the speed at max torque value, instead of the max torque at stand still. This makes it consistent with the Motor Performance Chart form


  • Main form:
    • The Gearbox Inertia Mismatch was not being displayed
  • Sequence form:
    • When Ungrouping a Move, a pop-up asks the user to confirm the Ungroup. When the user clicked 'No' or 'Cancel' the Ungroup would still occur.
    • When Curve Fitting is done on an axis other than Axis 1, sometimes an error would be trigged at the end of the Curve Fitting calculation, and would trigger the Main form error flag.
    • Sequence form: When a previously Import Trace profile is unselected, the actual data would remain in the project file. Now once the form is closed, if the Import Trace is not visible, the Import Trace data is removed.
  • Drive Motor Database:
    • When analyzing the product data, an error would occur preventing the listing of products. This bug was introduced in the previous version.
  • Performance Charts:
    • A Segment with non-zero start velocity would be grouped with the Move before in the Segments/Moves tree. Moves should never be grouped with another segment or move. This same bug would cause an error when the Optimizer would attempt to load a Sequence where a Move was followed by a Segment with StartVel <> 0.
Jul 10, 2019Version 4.2.16

New Features:

  • One unified install package and one EXE for all versions (Trial, Lite, Advanced, Pro, Manufacturer) and license types (ACT/DGL/TS)
    • While v4.2 handles all versions and licenses, to Microsoft Windows, v4.2 effectively replaces the ACT installation. Therefore, if you are upgrading from the v4.1 DGL/TS version, you can and should uninstall v4.1 DGL/TS anytime before or after v4.2 is installed. If you prefer to keep v4.1 DGL/TS installed, that is also an option, though it may lead to confusion about which program to run, and the fact that v4.1 does not support the new features included in v4.2.


  • B&R Feature Set:
    • Enabled "Dorninger Hytronics" pumps
  • Moog Feature Set:
    • Added Variable Displacement Pumps feature (part of Servo Pump feature, added in v4.2)
    • Enabled KOCH Energy Storage Modules feature
    • Enabled Multiple Modules per axis feature, which includes multiple Drives, Motors and Transformations in parallel in the same axis
    • Sequence form: Enabled Iq and Id phasors as optional profiles that can be shown in the Sequence chart
  • Main form:
    • In the Axis view, now show Drive Bus, Chopper & Bleeder performance in addition to the Inverter performance values
    • Added support to double-click the large images on the Main form as same short cuts when double-clicking the tree nodes.
    • Increased max Number of Linear Motors per axis from 4 to 6
    • Added multiple Motors, Transformations, Gearboxes and Linear Actuators in parallel in the same axis (1-6)
    • Added multiple Drives, Infeed, Bleeder and Capacitor Modules in parallel in the same slot (1-6)
  • Drive & Motor Performance Chart:
    • Added chart toolbar button to show 1 or 2 Quadrants. Now can chart both Motoring and Generating quadrants
    • When the chart Crosshairs are enabled and the user right-clicks to snap the Crosshairs to the nearest data point, now the segment is highlighted and a tooltip also appears with information about the data point.
  • Pumps:
    • Added support for Variable Displacement Pumps
    • Added 'Flow Leakage' and 'Power Loss' profiles in Sequence Chart
    • Added 'MeanFlowLeakage' and 'MeanPowerLos' calculations
  • Pump Performance Chart:
    • Now chart dP vs Q on the X scale because dP and Q are largely proportional to torque and speed respectively
  • Sequence form:
    • Increased Sequence Maximum Segments from 500 to 2000 for the EDUCATION, LITE and all Manufacturer versions
    • Enabled Iq and Id phasors as optional profiles that can be shown in the Sequence chart for the ADVANCED version. Previously only the PRO version allowed this.
    • Added Motor Current profile, which is the same as the Drive Output Current
    • Changed Motor Iq profile to display as a vector in line with motor torque
    • Added 'Paste Displacement' for a Pressure and Flow sequence
    • Now display Linear Actuator when the Chart Crosshairs are selected
    • Now display Linear Motor when the Chart Crosshairs are selected
  • Pump Database form:
    • Added Flow Direction Type [QdirTyp] filter
    • Added Displacement Type [DTyp] filter
  • Bleeder Calculations:
    • Added Bxt overload thermal model
  • Combined Products Database form:
    • Added support for multi-select for 'Type' filter
    • Added 'Check Combinations' report for "sub-Models" in the Combined Products table
  • Rotary Motors:
    • Added [VbusMax] field, which is the 'Max allowed DC bus threshold voltage'. System Check uses VbusMax to ensure the motor is not connect to a bus voltage above what is allowed. Specifically, the check is if the DC bus Threshold Voltage > VbusMax, then a System Check alarm occurs. It can also be used in database selection to filter motors below, above a max voltage limit.
    • Added 'Current where kt = kto' [Ikto] column, which is the max current where the torque constant, kt = kto. Adds for more refinement and accuracy for the motor Torque vs Current model
  • Linear Motors:
    • Added [VbusMax] field, which is the 'Max allowed DC bus threshold voltage'. System Check uses VbusMax to ensure the motor is not connect to a bus voltage above what is allowed. Specifically, the check is if the DC bus Threshold Voltage > VbusMax, then a System Check alarm occurs. It can also be used in database selection to filter motors below, above a max voltage limit.
    • Added 'Current where kiF = kiFN' [IkiFN] column, which is the max current where the force constant, kiF = kiFN. Adds for more refinement and accuracy for the motor Force vs Current model
  • System Supply Power form:
    • Added Bxt to Power Flow table
  • System Check:
    • Added check if Infeed Efficiency, Inverter Efficiency or Chopper Efficiency values in the database are 0, and inform the user of this and force 100% for power calculations. These checks only apply when the drive has an Infeed, Inverter or Chopper.
    Print Report:
    • Now group Drive data with Motor data when Drive Motor, Drive Gear Motor, Drive Motor Linear Actuator
    • Replaced Energy Dissipation row with Bxt in Print Power table
    • Now include Qty row when at least one slot has a Drive/Infeed/Bleeder with Qty > 1
  • License Activation Wizard:
    • Added Language list so users can easily change the wizard to any language
  • Database Utility:
    • Added 'Check Combinations' report for "sub-Models" in the CombinedProducts table


  • System Supply Power form:
    • Corrected display of "Additional capacitance for no bleeder power". The field was always showing 0mF when bleeder power > 0.
  • Main form:
    • Corrected the shifting of Sequence chart profiles when transformation(s) are deleted and Pump profiles are configured for display Import Trace: A 3rd blank column would be visible when only 2 columns should be shown
  • Pumps database:
    • Corrected the display of Qmax when Windows using comma as a decimal point
  • Database Utility:
    • An error would occur when analyzing an imported spreadsheet where the same row had multiple errors
May 5, 2019Version 4.1.143


  • Rack and Pinion Materials:
    • Added Material Types “109 = DIN17210 (20MnCr5)' and '200 = EN10204 2.2 (SAE1141) ' to Racks & Pinions Materials lists
  • Japanese Translations:
    • Improved 'Case hardened' and 'Induction hardened' phrases
    • Updated several Japanese translations


  • Database Utility:
    • When importing from a spreadsheet, now detects and automatically handles all numeric fields for decimal point/comma. If the local machine uses a point as the decimal, and some or all of the numeric data in the spreadsheet uses a comma, then the comma is replaced with a point before processing the data any further.
  • Motor Calculation Model:
    • The Motor calculation model would not handle 'unexpected' values in the database for rated speed [nN], torque [TN] and current [In].
Apr 2, 2019Version 4.1.142


  • Combined Products Database form:
    • Added multi-select support for "Type" filter


  • Drive & Motor Performance Chart:
    • When the Bleeder would change, or a second or third Bleeder added on the bus, the Peak Generating curve was not be updated to reflect the changed available Bleeder Peak Power.
  • Bleeder Database:
    • When selecting an external bleeder for an "Infeed / Dual Inverter / IntExtBleeder", the bleeder selected in the product list was not being inserted into the calculations. This specifically occurs when more than one "Infeed / Dual Inverter / IntExtBleeder" is in the same project.
Mar 22, 2019Version 4.1.141


  • Added Japanese Language Option
    • Automatically available to all Lite, Advanced & Pro users
  • STOBER Feature Set:
    • Enabled Japanese language option
  • System Check:
    • Changed the message "Segment [x]: Duration is too long for Ixt tC=[n]s. For an accurate Ixt model..." from Critical (red) to Info (white) because the resolution does not affect the calculation accuracy, only the "smoothness" of the display in the Sequence chart.
  • Ball Screw form:
    • Added option for "none" in Tolerance drop down list
  • Help: ISO Tolerances page:
    • Added explanation of the Ball Screw "Screw Length" is used to for determining the tolerance grade


  • Main form:
    • When saving a v3 project file with an Infeed Module, sometimes, the Main form error flag would be set and the save process would fail to save the v3 project file.
  • Sequence form:
    • The Infeed Pxt "Fast" and "Slow" text was not appearing in the chart legend and Y scale label
  • Motor Performance Chart:
    • When the Inverter Control = Auto or FW, the drive curves would correctly show FW curves. However, the chart would still show the same FW curves and shading even when Control = No FW. This bug was introduced recently in v4.1.137 when calculation performance optimizations were added to get 50% faster performance in certain cases. With the fix, the performance improvements remain.
  • System Supply Power form:
    • The "Additional capacitance for no bleeder power" value would be shown 1st Power Group, even when opened for the 2nd (or more) Power Group
  • Optimizer:
    • When running the Optimizer on 32-bit machines, sometimes users would experience an out of memory error
  • Print Preview:
    • Added language translations to right-click drop down menus
Feb 22, 2019Version 4.1.137

New Features:

  • Added Command Line Interface Option for external Optimization tools
    • The "Command Line Interface Option" will remain in in beta as it continues further development


  • Pump Calculations:
    • Calculation performance improvements of up to 50% for larger sequences of > 300 segments
  • Gearboxes:
    • Added support for “2 = Lh(nN/nm)(TN/Tn)^3” to Gearboxes.Lhtyp Gearbox Lifetime calculation list
  • PARKER version:
    • Added 3 new sample projects
  • Import Sequence:
    • Improved message details when there is a problem with the imported data by listing columns with problem data
  • Motor I2t Model:
    • B&R Motor I2t calculation now uses the standard I2t formula in v4, which uses the rated current at the actual speed. Previously the rated current at mean speed was used.
    • Modest calculation performance improvements, noticeable for larger sequences of > 300 segments
  • Main form:
    • Added support to add/edit the Rack & Pinion base tables - Racks, Pinions and RacksPinionsFeedForce. Launch from the Main form under 'View > Rack and Pinion Tables
  • Sequence form:
    • Added support to Split and Join Pressure and Flow segments
    • Added support to Split and Join Dwell segments
    • Increased Split Number of Segments from 2-10, with step 5 from 10-50, and step 10 from 50-100
    • Added option to display the Pxt and Ixt Fast and Slow models that are used for the combined Pxt and Ixt models
  • Inverter Ixt Overload Model:
    • Now the results from the B&R Fast & Slow Time Constant models are blended for the final results in the Ixt profile
  • Infeed Pxt Overload Model:
    • Now the results from the B&R Fast & Slow Time Constant models are blended for the final results in the Pxt profile
  • System Check:
    • Added message if segment duration is too long for the Inverter Ixt time constant (tOL or tC)
  • Motor Performance form:
    • Added right-click menu to Show/Hide one or more of the selected segments
  • Transformation Performance form:
    • Added right-click menu to Show/Hide one or more of the selected segments


  • Pump Calculations:
    • Fixed the speed calculation for very small flow values, that would cause "speed spikes" in some sequences
    • Fixed the pump max speed calculation, which would not detect the "speed spikes" in some sequences
    • Fixed handling of Torque formula calculation when n=0 results in a NaN error
Jan 16, 2019Version 4.1.122

New Features:

  • Optimizer PRO:
    • Added Sequence "Auto Update" featureas part of the Optimizer PRO option
      • The "Auto Update" features allows an external optimizing tool to be the Master, setting the Sequence and then reading key performance values in an XML file generated by SERVOsoft, adjusting and optimizing the Sequence with each iteration.
      • The XML report contains a list of performance values including Motor Peak Torque/Force, Motor Cont Torque/Force, Inverter Peak Current, Inverter Cont Current, Infeed Peak Power, Infeed Cont Power, Gearbox Max Output Torque, Gearbox Nominal Output Torque, Gearbox Max Radial Force at Ouput, etc.
      • The "Auto Update" features will remain in in beta as it continues further development.


  • Optimizer PRO Option:
    • Free Trial for all PRO version users until Jan 31, 2019 more...
  • Gearbox Sizing Rules:
    • Added support for Apex Dynamics planetary gearbox sizing rules, specifically, the Apex Shock Factor table
  • Energy Storage Modules Database:
    • Added "U" [Utilization, %], "C" [Capacitance, F], "Wmax" [Storable Energy, J], "Vzmax" [Max Bus Voltage, V] and "Pmax" [Peak Power, W] columns (requires Database v4.1.110 or later)
    • For the XEV, xEK and xSM modules, now display the Total Storage and Backup Energy in the database products list in the 'Wmax' column. Previously just the Total Storage Energy was displayed.
    • Now can save view settings like other database forms
    • Default sorted column changed from 'Solution' to 'C' column
    • The rated Storage and Backup Energy values are based on the 'Storage used for DEV' factor, and the actual values used based on optimizing peak power for Storage
  • Add Edit Gearbox form:
    • Now display "n1", "T2" in the Max Output Torque curve grid column headers
    • Now display "n1", "T2", "ED" in the Nominal Output Torque curve grid column headers
  • System Check:
    • Added check if Bus Nominal Voltage is greater than the selected Motor Peak Curve Voltage. If >= 5% more, then warning message, and if >= 15% more, then critical message with the text “Nominal Bus Voltage exceeds Motor Peak Curve Voltage”.
    • Added new message "Shared Bus required for Multi Axis Drives" when a multi axis drive is selected and the power group is set as a Stand Alone Bus. Ie. Not Shared Bus
    • Added Vendor & Model to legacy message
  • Database form:
    • Added tooltips for most column headers so users can quickly check the abbreviation meaning by hovering the mouse over the column header
  • Gearbox Pinion Database:
    • Changed "ZTR____ %" to "ZTR%" in the value drop down list of suggested GBP_Model filters System Check: Added Vendor & Model to legacy message
  • Database:
    • Now DocPath field uses HTML ISO Language Codes (en, de, fr, it, es, tr, zh) when the language id variable [%LangId%] is used. Better support for web sites. Previously using Windows language codes 1033 (English), 1031 (German), 1036 (French), etc., which are not used by web sites.
  • Database Utility:
    • When importing a spreadsheet, now read hidden columns. Previously, the utility would only read the visible columns


  • STOBER version:
    • Atlanta Rack & Pinions would appear in the Rack & Gearbox Pinion database
  • Torque due to Dynamic Inertia:
    • Sometimes "spikes" would occur in the torque profile when the time sample is very small
  • Energy Storage Modules Database:
    • Now ensure xES / xEV / xEK connect to its own set of ExMs. Ie. When > 1 xES, then each xES is connected to the identical number and type of ExMs.
    • When xES and one 20mF ExM provided enough storage, the auto solution finder was not finding it. Instead was using the larger 40mF module
    • Fixed calculations for Energy Storage when an “adjustment” made to keep the capacitor voltage above the 200Vdc minimum, to have more peak power available.
    • Fixed calculations for voltages for DC Bus Voltage and ESM Capacitor Voltage when transitioning from energy to/from the DC Bus to/from the ESM. When the power sample time is slow, the voltages would be off their setpoints. And when sample time was decreased enough, the voltages would be more precise. Now the voltages are calculated exactly correctly regardless of the power sample time.
  • Sequence form:
    • When in 1 Pump configuration, then the user opens the Pumps mechanism form inside the Sequence form, and switches to 2 Pumps, an error would occur.
  • Power vs Time Chart form:
    • When the user double-clicks the Legend and double-clicks on the label instead of a profile, an error would occur
    • When < 8 profiles in the chart, "Profile 7" would be displayed in the Legend under the "Supply" scale
  • Print:
    • Was displaying the ESM Rated Max Power value for 1 module instead of the solution total value
Nov 14, 2018Version 4.1.114


  • Optimizer PRO Option:
    • Free Trial for all PRO version users until Jan 31, 2019 more...


  • Linear Actuator mechanism form:
    • Fixed issue where the user could not specify an incline angle other than 0deg.
Nov 12, 2018Version 4.1.112


  • Fixed installation issue where CodeMeter does not install properly on some machines, causing the program not to find a license. The license was still present on the machine. The CodeMeter license management software was not properly installed. This has been fixed in this release.
Nov 7, 2018Version 4.1.111


  • Optimizer PRO Free Trial for all PRO version users until Jan 31, 2019 more...
  • Cart Mechanism:
    • Added option to define the mechanism Incline Angle in the Sequence, so it can change for each Segment Added Incline Angle Profile in Sequence form and table
  • Move form:
    • Renamed "Payload/Thrust" tab to "Load"
    • Added Incline Angle input under "Load" tab, visible only when the Cart Mechanism "Incline Defined in Sequence" is enabled
  • Sequence form:
    • Added Mechanism button on Sequence form toolstrip beside the Optimizer PRO button. Allows users to more quickly change the active mechanism parameters and continue working on the Sequence form without having to close and re-open the Sequence form.
  • Friction Coefficients form:
    • Updated German translations for the 'Wheel Flange & Side Friction' phrases
  • Print Config:
    • Now all Print Config settings are saved with the project file. If an axis is moved/copied, its Print Config settings are also moved/copied.
    • Added option to choose the maximum number of pages for the Sequence pages in the Print Report. Applies to Sequences with > 40 segments, and is handy with 500+ segments. The default selection is "All" pages.
  • Database Utility:
    • At the bottom of the Details Table, beside the number of selected records, now include the number of New and Existing selected records
  • Help:
    • Added "Disable Axis/Slot Power Calculations" page, and organize under "Analysis & Optimization" folder
    • Cart Mechanism Page: Added the following note: "Note: Whether there are 1, 2, or more Driven Wheels, the Cart is driven by 1 motor. If a Cart is to be driven by 2 or more motors, then create an axis for each motor, and adjust the moving mass and inertia values to what is seen by each motor."


  • Motor Database:
    • Improved handling of errors when one or more of Motor rated speed, torque, current and magnetizing current database values are zero for an Asynchronous Motor
  • Add/Edit Rotary Motor form:
    • Fixed brake inertia units conversion when not default units (kg-m2)
  • Manufacturer versions:
    • When opening a project with T1-T2-T3 transformation, previously saved by a version supporting 3 or more transformations, and the Manufacturer version only allows T1-GB-T2, the middle transformation from the original project was hidden and no warning message when opening the project. And the calculations including ratio, efficiency and inertia were still being calculated on the hidden transformation. Now the transformation is removed, and the user receives a message when opening the project.
Sep 29, 2018Version 4.1.101


  • Enabled Manufacturer Versions in v4:
    • PARKER
    • STOBER
  • Energy Storage Modules:
    • All rated and performance values are displayed as solution total values. So if 2x DSMs in the solution, then max rated current is 2x 60A = 120A. This applies everywhere including the Main form and Database Selection form, Charts, Print Report, etc.
    • Added support for I2t overload model for KOCH ESMs
    • Added support for multiple DLC banks connected in parallel
    • Added MaxCurrent, ContCurrent and I2t monitoring for Expansion Modules when Imax, Icont and Imax_tOL are provided
    • Increased Auto selection Maximum NumExM from 5 to 10
    • NumEsm Auto filter now shows the range of possible modules [1 - 5]
    • NumExM Auto filter now shows the range of possible modules [0 -10]
    • Added user specified margins for Cont Current and I2t
    • Added new System Check message "Time of power loss + duration > Cycle time"
    • Added Sample Projects 16, 17 & 18 Energy Storage Solution for DES, DEK and DSM respectively
  • Motor Brakes:
    • Added support for Brake On/Off control to be defined in the Sequence for Dwell Segments
    • Added support for up to 3 motor brakes for 1 motor. Previously, only 1 motor brake was defined with a motor
  • Main form:
    • Added support to Disable Power Calculations for any Axis/Slot
    • Added support to name Power Groups
    • Increased Treeview Plus Minus size by 22% to be more proportional to the larger icons in v4, and also making them easier to click
    • Now can enable the Motor brake when a motor is not selected, so can open motor database and choose motor w/ brake
  • Slider Crank mechanism:
    • Added support for Radial Load Force at Crank and connected Gearbox output
  • Cart Mechanism form:
    • Added Rolling Resistance Coefficient Lever Arm selection table
    • Added Wheel Flange and Slide Friction selection table
  • Pump Formula Calculation Engine:
    • Added detailed handling and feedback messages in System Check when a pump formula calculation error occurs
  • Sequence form:
    • Added option to display the Motor Brake On/Off profile in the Sequence Chart
    • Now display a diagram for the 'Flying Shear' template when the chart crosshairs are selected
  • Rotary Knife Template:
    • Improved fault handling when attempting to convert an existing sequence
  • Cut To Length Template:
    • Improved fault handling when attempting to convert an existing sequence
  • Flying Shear Template:
    • Improved fault handling when attempting to convert an existing sequence
  • Database forms:
    • Added extensive error checking to provide better feedback on most filter errors. This minimizes the need for the last resort message "Invalid query inputs" when an unknown filter error occurs
  • Gearbox Database form:
    • Added T2max% and T2rmc% margin filters
  • Motor Database form:
    • Added 'Req_Tbr_max' for required brake max holding torque filter
    • Added 'Motor Brake' button to open the Motor Brake form
    • Now the Inertia Mismatch (IM) filter considers the inertia calculation type - Brake is part of the load or part of the motor
  • Gear Motor Database form:
    • Added 'Req_MotTbr_max' for required brake max holding torque filter
  • Gearboxes Database:
    • Added “99 = ISO 9409-1-A-25” to Gearboxes.InterfaceTyp2 list
    • Updated ATLANTA gearbox database product images for “GearboxDatabase201 – 210”
    • Added ATLANTA gearbox database product images “GearboxDatabase224 – 233”
  • Power vs Time chart:
    • No longer display the Bleeder Energy profile when there is no bleeder energy. This occurs when there is a Regen type Infeed module, or if the DC bus absorbs all braking energy such that the bleeder is not used. This cleans up the chart a little by not having a red line at bottom of Bus Energy plot
  • Optimizer:
    • If user clicks "Start" button when no segments are selected, now inform the user that "At least one profile must be selected"
  • Torque/Force vs Speed charts:
    • Added support for selecting multiple Segments to be highlighted in the Torque/Force vs Speed chart
  • Chart Export Data:
    • Now allow user to specify the Decimal as a Point or Comma when exporting the chart data to the Clipboard or text file
  • Print Report
    • Now include the Gearbox Shaft Loads at Output page if F2am <> 0 or F2rm <> 0. Previously the page would only be included if F2amax <> 0 or F2rmax <> 0.
    • Now include the Gearbox Shaft Loads at Input page if F1am <> 0 or F1rm <> 0. Previously the page would only be included if F1amax <> 0 or F1rmax <> 0.
  • Database Utility
    • Now allow Helix Angles that are not 0 deg or 19.5283 deg. However, if a Helix Angle value rounds to 19.5, then it is forced to 19.5283 deg.
    • Table Details:
      • Added 'Type' column for most tables with that column. Specifically helpful for Combined Products table to help differentiate the various types including Gear Motos, Gearbox Pinions, Drive Motors, Drive Gear Motors, etc.


  • Pumps Mechanism form:
    • No longer allow Two Pumps when 'Motor Coupling Pump' axis, as this was always not supported, but not blocked by the form
  • Pump Calculations:
    • The Pump Accel calculation would sometimes interpolate the previous data point value at the start of a constant pressure and flow segment
    • Pump Torque Calculation now allows calculation when speed, n=0.
  • Combined Products Database form:
    • When opening the Vendor filter in Combined Products database form, the Main form error flag would be set.
  • Sequence form:
    • The Rotary mechanism crosshairs diagram/animation angle was offset by 90deg
  • Drive, Motor, Drive Motor and Drive Gear Motor limits form:
    • The Gearbox tab was not displayed for a Drive Gear Motor
    • The Motor icon image in the Motor tab was not displayed for a Drive Motor and Drive Gear Motor
  • Database form:
    • When the user selects the "Show All" checkbox, then click "Apply Filters", then de-selects the "Show All" checkbox, an error occurs
  • Gearbox Shaft Loads form:
    • When starting from a new blank project, the default units were not used. So for example, the x2, y2 & z2 values would be in [m] instead of the default "Length" units, which is typically set to [mm].
  • System Check:
    • Corrected Max Power check for Energy Storage Modules, which was always assuming 1 ESM instead of considering the number of ESMs.
  • Manage Axes form:
    • When a Power Group was empty (no axes/slots) and the user clicked Apply, the Main form error flag was triggered. Now, this is handled elegantly by automatically adding a Drive Motor Mechanism axis to an empty Power Group
  • Print Report:
    • When the Bleeder rated Energy Dissipation = 0Ws, the Power Summary would show a red Utilization bar of 200%. When the Bleeder rated Energy Dissipation = 0Ws, it should not be considered and therefore, the Utilization bar should be hidden.
    • Fixed issue where two or more Axes have multiple Sequence Table pages, but all Sequence Table Bookmarks in the Treeview are listed under the first Axis.
  • Gear Motors Database form:
    • Fixed the T2max% and T2rmc% margin filters
  • Flying Shear Template:
    • Ensure that the 'Return to Start' (RTS) Scurving inputs are between 0 and 100%
  • Vendors form:
    • Now block Vendor names that contain an apostrophe or comma. A Vendor name with an apostrophe or comma would "break" many database queries.
  • Database Utility:
    • Now block Vendor names that contain an apostrophe or comma. A Vendor name with an apostrophe or comma would "break" many database queries.
    • When importing a Motor or Drive and the Temp or Elev curve is missing just one number with an empty/null value, in certain cases, this was not handled elegantly leading to a confusing error/feedback message. Now clear feedback is provided so the user can quickly find the bad data
May 19, 2018Version 4.0.161


  • Pumps Database form for Two Pumps:
    • Improved filters for Two Pumps. In general filters were only being applied to Pump A. Now the filters are applied to both Pumps A & B.
    • Added the Vendor A = B filter which allows users to force two-pump combinations to be only with the same vendor. Ie. Pumps A & B are from the same vendor.
  • Database Vendor Filter List form:
    • Click on text also toggles checkbox
  • Sample Project 14 - Servo Pump:
    • Added 2 Pump application as 2nd axis


  • Main form:
    • When removing an existing 2 Pumps selection, previously only the 1st pump Vendor Model was displayed in the warning message. Now the Vendor Model of both pumps is displayed.
Apr 25, 2018Version 4.0.154


  • Curve Fitting:
    • Added support for the Slider Crank mechanism
    • Added support to Curve Fit a complete Move
    • Added support for Poly 5 profile type in addition to Poly 7
  • Print Report:
    • Now display Mechanism input torque for the Rotary, Belt & Pulley, Conveyor, Dual Conveyor, Rack & Pinion, Dual Rack Conveyor mechanisms
  • Help:
    • Updated Database Filters page with filter "drag & drop" functionality and images for re-ording conditions


  • System Check:
    • "Pxt monitoring not possible" message would appear even though the infeed module's Pmax value is > 0 for the select drive/infeed
  • Energy Storage Modules:
    • Fixed the system supply power calculation when ESMs are in the system. The program would show an energy consumption increase when ESMs were on the bus because the program was 'double-counting' the supply power. When no ESMs were on the bus, the power calculation was correct.
May 12, 2018Version 4.0.160


  • B&R Feature Set:
    • Enabled Servo Pump feature
  • Curve Fitting:
    • Added support for curve fitting Bleeder rated peak power
    • Improved calculations to better handle more challenging applications including the Slider Crank, Winders and Spoolers
    • Ensure a motor is selected, and/or drive, infeed and/or bleeder module as needed
    • Added additional checks to ensure at least one target (Motor Peak Torque, Drive Peak Current, Infeed Peak Power, Bleeder Peak Power) is selected
  • Sequence form:
    • Now display Bleeder Rated Peak Power
  • Winder Center Driven:
    • Added support for Dynamic Inertia
  • Winder Surface Driven:
    • Added support for Dynamic Inertia Feed Roll: Added support for Dynamic Inertia
  • Pumps:
    • When opening a pump project, if oil density is 0, then the default value of 879kg/m3 is used. This is done to handle new pumps that that use oil density in their flow formula, and therefore can have 'divide by zero' errors when oil density is 0.
    • When opening a pump project, if kinematic viscosity is 0, then the default value of 46cSt is used. This is done to handle pumps that that use kinematic viscosity in their formulae, and therefore can have 'divide by zero' errors when kinematic viscosity is 0.


  • Curve Fitting:
    • Fixed curve fitting a Move for Center & Surface Driven Winders
  • Winder Center Driven:
    • Corrected adjustment for Start Position
    • When over-filling/emptying was not handled properly. Ie. Previously, the move distances had to match the empty & full distances, otherwise additional distances would not be handled properly. Now, once the winder is empty or full, the program deals with it and the winder/spooler remains empty/full as expected.
  • Winder Surface Driven:
    • Corrected adjustment for Start Position
    • When over-filling/emptying was not handled properly. Ie. Previously, the move distances had to match the empty & full distances, otherwise additional distances would not be handled properly. Now, once the winder is empty or full, the program deals with it and the winder/spooler remains empty/full as expected.
  • Upgraded Installer package:
    • Addresses install error 1624. Error 1624 is related to language transforms. Some users reported error 1624 occurring when installing in a different language than the target machine.
Apr 25, 2018Version 4.0.154


  • Curve Fitting:
    • Added support for the Slider Crank mechanism
    • Added support to Curve Fit a complete Move
    • Added support for Poly 5 profile type in addition to Poly 7
  • Print Report:
    • Now display Mechanism input torque for the Rotary, Belt & Pulley, Conveyor, Dual Conveyor, Rack & Pinion, Dual Rack Conveyor mechanisms
  • Help:
    • Updated Database Filters page with filter "drag & drop" functionality and images for re-ording conditions


  • System Check:
    • "Pxt monitoring not possible" message would appear even though the infeed module's Pmax value is > 0 for the select drive/infeed
  • Energy Storage Modules:
    • Fixed the system supply power calculation when ESMs are in the system. The program would show an energy consumption increase when ESMs were on the bus because the program was 'double-counting' the supply power. When no ESMs were on the bus, the power calculation was correct.
Mar 26, 2018Version 4.0.152


  • Manufacturer Versions:
    • Enabled EXLAR version in v4
  • MOOG Feature Set:
    • Enabled Ball Screw database
  • Motor & Drive Performance form:
    • Added load factor (LF) details in the tooltips for motor, infeed, inverter, chopper and bleeder LFs. Ie. Listing the specific LFs for each of Temp, Elev and Voltage
  • Drive Database form:
    • Added load factor (LF) details in the tooltips for infeed, inverter, chopper and bleeder LFs. Ie. Listing the specific LFs for each of Temp, Elev and Voltage
  • Drive Internal Power Details form:
    • Added load factor (LF) details in the tooltips for infeed, inverter, chopper and bleeder LFs. Ie. Listing the specific LFs for each of Temp, Elev and Voltage
  • Main form:
    • Now display the Pressure & Flow sequence icon for the Main form and Wizard Sequence buttons
  • Motor Performance form:
    • Now group move segments under one checkbox, that can also be expanded to see each segment
    • Now only load the first 500 segments in the segments list when the form is first loaded, dramatically improving the form load time for sequences with > 1000 segments
  • Motor Efficiency form:
    • The field current, Id, would not always be displayed in the chart, even when the Inverter Control Mode allowed for FW
  • Curve Fitting:
    • Improved peak power margin check, ensuring the working segment is properly tested and minimizing the chance of "no solution found"
  • Calculation Engine:
    • Significant calculation performance improvement for larger sequences (>500 segments), and especially for sequences > 500 segments with dynamic inertia/mass (inertia/mass changing with each segment) for a constant speed. In this case, the calculation performance improvement can be up to 5x faster.
  • Help:
    • Updated all mechanism formulae with the counterbalance force, Fcb


  • Rack & Pinions Database:
    • Fixed 'Accuracy' filter when 'Basic' or other type selected which is defined by more than 1 quality value
  • Calculation Engine:
    • Corrected calculation for torque due to dynamic inertia/mass when importing a Time vs Velocity sequence with changing inertia/mass
  • Main form:
    • When switching project modes from v4 to v3, the permission check was not detecting if more than 1 Power Group, as only 1 Power Group is supported in v3
  • Bill of Material:
    • When a Motor Linear Actuator has the motor brake enabled, now include the motor brake holding torque details in the description
  • Improved Chinese translations:
    • Inertia Mismatch 惯量配比
  • Drive Motor Linear Actuator Performance chart:
    • The Drive Motor Peak Regen curve was shown as a solid line, instead of a dotted line
  • Optimizer Create Curve Fit Spline form:
    • When Infeed Margin text changed, the Infeed Margin Enable Checkbox was not being checked automatically
Mar 2, 2018Version 4.0.147


  • Sequence form:
    • Now display a diagram for the following mechanisms when the chart crosshairs are selected
      • Ball Screw
    • Now allow Split segments by equal time or distance for all segment types. Previously, splitting by equal distance was only permitted for polynomial profiles.
  • Energy Storage Modules:
    • Now when the entire Vendor Model solution is displayed, the total number of expansion modules are shown instead of the number of expansion modules per energy storage module as was in the previous version. This specifically is seen on the Main form, the database selection and the print report.
  • AddEdit Drive/Infeed forms:
    • Ensure Vmin, Vmax, SHzmin, SHzmax are not empty
  • Database Updates:
    • Added additional checks if multiple instances of SERVOsoft are running, or if the database file is locked, to ensure the database file is not locked when trying to perform a database update.
  • DGL Licenses:
    • Added support for multiple DGLs where the user can select from a list of DGL licenses at program startup.
  • List Users:
    • Added support for multiple Network License DGLs on the same network
  • Help: Rotary Mechanism page:
    • Improved images and descriptions to further clarify the Incline Angle and Start Position


  • Main form:
    • Fixed a bug when opening a project file that was saved in the German Windows locale and has an imported sequence from a file with those "import settings" also saved in the project file. The program failed to handle the source file Date when saved in certain locales such as the German locale.
  • Sequence form:
    • The 'Join Segments' option would be enabled in the right-click menu for Moves. It should only be enabled for Segments.
    • Fixed interpolating of Thrust values for imported 'Time vs Velocity/Accel' sequences, when Velocity cross over from positive to negative velocity
  • Move form:
    • Changing the Start Position would not have any affect for the Slider Crank mechanism. Changing the Start Position in the Move form and Slider Crank form should be the same setting.
    • Changing the Start Position would not have any affect for the Rotary mechanism. Changing the Start Position in the Move form and Unbalanced Load Start Angle should be the same setting.
  • Gear Motor Torque vs Speed charts:
    • Fixed the Crosshairs right-click snap to nearest point when zoomed in on 2nd Y Stack motor chart
  • Linear Actuator Force & Motor Torque vs Speed charts:
    • Fixed the Crosshairs right-click snap to nearest point when zoomed in on 2nd Y Stack motor chart
  • Gear Motors Database:
    • Fixed "invalid filter" bug when using "Mot_J" filter, as the condition name should be "Mot_Jm". Therefore, condition name changed to "Mot_Jm" in Database v4.0.106.
  • Drive Gear Motors Database:
    • Fixed "invalid filter" bug when using "Mot_J" filter, as the condition name should be "Mot_Jm". Therefore, condition name changed to "Mot_Jm" in Database v4.0.106.
  • Add Edit Gearbox Database:
    • Chart errors would appear on certain machines. Typically, when trying to update the Efficiency vs Speed chart. The Main form error flag would be set after the first error.
  • Print Report:
    • Chart errors would appear on certain machines when creating the Gearbox page, and specifically the Gearbox Torque vs Speed Chart. In such cases, the Gearbox Torque vs Speed chart would be missing from the report, and then the Main form error flag would be set.
Jan 21, 2018Version 4.0.142


  • Optimizer PRO Trial for all PRO version users until April 30, 2018
  • Manufacturer Versions:
    • Enabled ATLANTA version in v4
    • Enabled B&R version in v4
    • Enabled KOCH ESMs in v4 B&R
  • Added support for the following drive types:
    • 17 = Infeed / Dual Inverter / Chopper
    • 18 = Infeed / Triple Inverter / Chopper
  • Sequence form:
    • Allow Rated profiles in Sequence Chart for Manufacturer Versions
    • Now display a diagram for the following mechanisms when the chart crosshairs are selected
      • Rack & Pinion
      • Dual Rack Conveyor
      • Rack & Gearbox Pinion
      • Dual Conveyor
  • Motor Efficiency form:
    • Added the display of Itotal, Iq & Id on a 2nd plot and Vbus on a 3rd plot (Pro version only)
    Main form:
    • Added Motor Efficiency form for Asynchronous Motors
    • 'Load + Payload' no longer includes the Counterbalance Mass. This is only a display value, but caused confusion for users some users thinking that the Counterbalance Mass is not part of the 'Load + Payload'.
  • Print Report:
    • 'Load + Payload' no longer includes the Counterbalance Mass. This is only a display value, but caused confusion for users some users thinking that the Counterbalance Mass is not part of the 'Load + Payload'.
  • Database forms:
    • Replaced the filters move "up/down arrows" with one button for drag & drop to re-order filters
  • Optimizer:
    • Now include the target final result of the optimization in the 'Results' column
  • Motor & Drive Torque/Force Performance Charts:
    • Added 'Peak Regen' profiles to drive curves, indicated by a dotted line
  • Project Notes:
    • Added shortcuts for Bold (CTRL-B), Italic (CTRL-I) and Underline (CTRL-U)
  • System Check:
    • For Mechanisms with a Counterbalance Mass, when the Acceleration >1G, a new warning message has been added "Acceleration exceeds 1G at [X] sec [Step Y], which affects the Counterbalance Mass if it is connected by rope, chain, belt, or similar". Note, this does not apply to the Conveyor mechanism which has the counterbalance load attached to the driven belt.
  • All Forms:
    • Improved handling of multiple screens with different display settings including different resolutions. Previously, the program assumed it was running on the 'Primary' monitor. Now it checks the screen resolution of the screen where the form is on.
    Database Utility:
    • When new vendors added to the database, now include list of new vendors in the import log file


  • Motor Efficiency form:
    • Motor efficiency chart was not updating for motors with field weakening
  • Main form:
    • Fixed 'Cycle Time' auto bug when multiple Power Groups. When clicking the 'Auto' cycle time checkbox, the Cycle Time value changes from current Power Group to the Cycle Time of all Power Groups and then back again to the current Power Group to the Cycle Time. Now it just gets set to the current Power Group to the Cycle Time.
  • Print Report:
    • Fixed handling of empty Project Notes that sometimes throws an error and sets the Main form error flag
Nov 24, 2017Version 4.0.133


  • Energy Storage Solutions:
    • Now allow manual override for the number of expansion modules. Previously, the limit was 5.
  • Project Notes:
    • Added sample "\ProjectNotes\InsertList" folder and sample signature


  • Energy Storage Solutions:
    • Fixed backup supply power calculation when Time of Power Loss + Power Loss Duration > Cycle Time
  • Sequence form:
    • Infeed/Drive power profiles would not be displayed properly when the Infeed/Drive was from Power Group >= 2
  • System Supply Power form:
    • Fixed Analysis calculation with the amount of cost savings when adding more capacitance to the bus
Nov 20, 2017Version 4.0.132

ACT version only


  • Fixed bug with v4 license check for older licenses.
Nov 15, 2017Version 4.0.131


  • Sequence form:
    • Now display a diagram of the Conveyor mechanism when the chart crosshairs are selected


  • Main form:
    • Fixed bug when user selects 10 Transformations in the EasySize Wizard, and then triggers the Main form error flag
    • Fixed bug converting units from the base units to the display units
  • Motor Performance form:
    • Fixed bug converting units from the base units to the display units in the performance data table
  • Gearbox Performance form:
    • Fixed bug converting units from the base units to the display units in the performance data table
  • Database forms:
    • Fixed bug converting units from the base units to the display units in the performance data table
Nov 2, 2017Version 4.0.130


  • Control Techniques Feature Set:
    • Enabled Control Techniques version in v4
  • Move form:
    • Form icon shows Pressure & Flow icon when Pressure & Flow segment


  • Installer:
    • Fixed installer issue on some machines where the following error message would occur and stop the installation.
    • "Source file not found: C:\Users\... \ Verify that the file exists and that you can access it."
    • This error was introduced in the previous version, v4.0.128.
Oct 30, 2017Version 4.0.128


  • Sequence form:
    • Now display a diagram of the Rotary mechanism when the chart crosshairs are selected
    • Now display a diagram of a Rotary Knife mechanism when the chart crosshairs are selected using the 'Rotary Knife' template
    • Now 'Legend Select Profile Fill' enabled for all feature sets, including manufacturer versions. Previously only for Advanced & Pro versions.
    • Form icon shows Pressure & Flow icon when Pressure & Flow sequence
  • Main form:
    • Sequence button icon shows Pressure & Flow icon when Pressure & Flow sequence
  • Energy Storage Module database:
    • Set default filters to include 'Typ', 'Vzmax', 'NumESM' and 'NumExM/ESM' filters
  • Add / Edit Drive form:
    • Show / hide the Pmax field depending on the PxtTyp value
    • Show / hide the Imax field depending on the IxtTyp value
  • Add / Edit Infeed form:
    • Show / hide the Pmax field depending on the PxtTyp value
  • Add / Edit Pump form:
    • Added leakage flow formula, Ql Allow Pump Q, Ql, M & L formula to be visible for other vendors
    • Baumueller & Moog formulae still hidden per their request
    • Added right-click drop down menu for the formula, so users can conveniently insert variables
    • Now allow users to Add / Edit and save Pump data
    • Added 'Other' to Pumps.Typ list
    • Added 'Radial Piston' to Pumps.Typ list
  • Pumps Database form:
    • Added 'Other' to Pumps.Typ list
    • Added 'Radial Piston' to Pumps.Typ list
    • Pumps.Typ filter is now a popup selection
  • Pumps formulae:
    • Add support for a new variable, dOil, oil density [kg/m3]
  • Pumps mechanism form:
    • Added new input variable, Oil density, that can be used in the pump formulae, Q, Ql, M, L.
  • Database:
    • Added Pumps.Ql field for the pump leakage flowrate formula
  • Language Translations:
    • Pump phrase: Changed 'Torque Efficiency' to 'Hydraulic Mechanical Efficiency'
    • Extensive update of Spanish language phrases


  • Database Spreadsheet:
    • Corrected cells A1 & B1 in some worksheets including 'InfeedModules', as this would confuse the Database Utility into thinking the first valid row was Row 1, and not Row 4.
Oct 4, 2017Version 4.0.119


  • All Manufacturer version feature sets:
    • Enabled QuickCalc Numeric Input Calculator
  • Linear Motor Force vs Speed form:
    • Now display the Rated Max and Cont force values for total number of motors when NumPrimaryParts > 1. Previously, always displayed the rated values for 1 motor.
  • Main form on Linear Motor view:
    • Now display the Rated Max and Cont force values for total number of motors when Number of Primary Parts > 1. Previously, always displayed the rated values for 1 motor.
  • Sequence form:
    • Now display a diagram of the Winder Centre Driven when the chart crosshairs are selected
    • Now display a diagram of the Winder Surface Driven when the chart crosshairs are selected
    • Better position the Mechanism image so as not to cover the chart legend
  • Print Report:
    • Added 'Break' button to progress bar when creating Print Report... Very useful for large projects because it can take several minutes to create a report for a 50 axis project with 225+ pages
  • Help:
    • Updated all pages with v4 images
    • Added more details in many help pages


  • License Activation Wizard:
    • Fixed issue when clicking 'Next' on the 'Select Program Version' step, and the wizard would not proceed to the next step.
  • System Check:
    • For the Gearbox Rated Max Output Torque check, the Margin values were incorrect when a gearbox has increasing rated values as speed increases. Now the check does not assume that the rated max torque is at 0 rpm.
  • Rotary Mechanism form:
    • When the user changes the incline angle using the QuickCalc Numeric Input Calculator, the mechanism image was not being updated.
  • Fixed an issue when opening a v3 project file, and converting the sequence profiles to v4. In cases where the project has an Import Trace, but does not have an external Infeed or Bleeder module, the Import Trace profile was not converted properly. Then opening the Sequence form would trigger the Main form error flag.
Sep 8, 2017Version 4.0.116


  • WIBU CodeMeter Runtime:
    • Upgraded to CodeMeter v6.50b, which addresses a critical fix to v6.50a
    • Prior to this release, SERVOsoft was packaged with v6.40b
    • CodeMeter v6.50a was never included with SERVOsoft
    • Other programs that use CodeMeter such as B&R Automation Studio are installing v6.50a, which then causes SERVOsoft to crash
    • Installing this release, or simply installing CodeMeter v6.50b separately solves this problem
  • Print Report:
    • Upgraded print report generation, which is up to 30% faster for larger reports
    • Added better fault handling, making it more resilient on various machine configurations
  • Translations:
    • Updated many German translations, mostly related to new v4 features


  • Print Report:
    • Fixed issue where print report would crash on some machines, not giving any error message. The cause was due to certain printers not supporting letter size (8.5 x 11 in), which is the default page set on installation.
  • Database Utility:
    • The import process would stall when importing from a source SDF database file which included "RacksPinionsFeedForce" data to be updated
    • An error would occur when importing a spreadsheet with a grouped row collapsed
Aug 22, 2017Version 4.0.106


  • MOOG Feature Set:
    • Enabled MOOG version in v4
    • Enabled the Servo Pump feature for "Moog" pumps
    • Enabled Chinese (ZH) language option in v4, such that EN, DE & ZH languages are available
  • Configure Power Flow form:
    • Now adjusts column widths and form size to accommodate all languages
  • Project Notes:
    • Updated ribbon and menus with v4 icons, including File and Edit menus
  • Print Dialog:
    • When saving to PDF, if existing file exists and is locked, now handle elegantly with a message
  • Print Report:
    • Group System Check bookmark pages in tree node when more than one System Check page
    • Scale logo image in report header when print margins and/or paper size changed
  • Import Sequence:
    • When importing data from a spreadsheet, now set TAB delimiter as default for spreadsheets
  • Print Config form:
    • Form height is resizable to allow users to more easily see the treeview for larger projects with 20+ axes
  • Print Dialog form:
    • Form height is resizable to allow users to more easily see the select pages treeview for larger projects with 20+ axes
  • Gearbox Pinion Database:
    • Added the "APGS%" option to the GBP_Model filter drop down list
    • Added GearboxPinionDatabase222.jpg and GearboxPinionDatabase223.jpg product images
  • Supply Power form:
    • The Power Flow table now has Utilization Bars. Previously used "Margins"
    • Now list Peak Power rows above Cont Power


  • Axis Infeed Supply Power was not being calculated when Bus in 'Stand Alone mode'. Ie. Not Shared Bus
  • Fixed the importing of product data from a project file that was saved using a comma as decimal, and then opened on a machine using a point as a decimal.
  • Fixed the Thrust & Payload not included in repeated cycles when 'Shorter sequences = Repeat'
  • Rotary Mechanism form:
    • Added input check to ensure Incline Angle is between 0deg and 90deg
  • Print Report:
    • Fixed issue where the user selects specific pages to print/save to PDF, and then also changes the language, paper size and/or margins. Changing such settings requires the print report to be regenerated, and sometimes would cause the number of Project Notes and/or System Check pages to change. In doing so, selected pages below System Check would be affected, and the incorrect pages would be printed/saved to PDF.
Jul 17, 2017Version 4.0.100

New Features:

  • Energy Storage Modules for KOCH Products more...
    • DES, DEV & DEK products
    • DSM & DLC (super capacitors) products
    • (Advanced, Pro and some Manufacturer versions)
  • Optimizer Pro:
    • Added 'Motor Peak Torque Margin' target, which optimizes to a target margin value
    • Added support for 'complex splines' with up to 3 different profile types in one spline
    • Added two new constraints - 'Start Accel = End Accel' and 'Start Jerk = End Jerk'
    • Added 'Curve Fitting' feature more...
      • Curve Fitting works within the drive, motor, gearbox, and/or mechanism rated curve(s)
      • And then generates the resulting motion profile at the load
  • Mechanisms
    • Two Servo Pumps driven by one Motor (Pro version) more...
    • Servo Pump (standard in Pro version, was an Option in v3)
    • Ball Screw Database (Lite, Advanced & Pro versions)
    • Cart Mechanism (Advanced & Pro versions) more...


  • Project Configuration
    • ADVANCED version increases from 5 to 9 axes
    • PRO version increases from 40 to 50 axes
    • Multiple Power Groups (Pro version)
    • Up to 3 Infeed Modules per Power Group
    • Up to 3 Bleeder Modules per Power Group
    • Up to 3 Capacitor Modules per Power Group
  • Sequence form:
    • Added option to display the motor current phasors, Iq & Id (Pro version)
    • Quick Import Sequence (Lite, Advanced & Pro versions)
  • Import Sequences:
    • Added support to import 'Time, Velocity and Accel' table data
    Move form:
    • Added "Accel Capped" feature, which calculates Start & End Jerk values to minimize the maximum acceleration for the Poly1-7 profile
  • Database forms:
    • Re-order columns, set grouped columns, and then save as the "Default View"
  • Performance Improvements:
    • Further improved the calculation performance up to 3.5x wrt v3.3
    • Further improved thrust and payload formula calculation performance to 1.6x faster wrt v3.3
    • Project files open 20% faster, and some large project files open as much as 5x faster wrt v3.3
    • Project files use compression algorithm resulting in 2-8x smaller file size
  • Utilization bars on all forms and print report
  • Language Options:
    • Enabled all language options French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish & Chinese in addition to the standard language options English & German (Education, Lite, Advanced & Pro versions)
  • When loading a project, if products are not found, now wait until the entire project is loaded, and then provide a list of all products that are not in the database.
    • Then users can select which products to be added to the database.
    • By default, all products are checked.
    • This is much more organized and more manageable, especially for large projects with 20-50 axes and perhaps 100 products that may not be in the local database.
  • Drive & Motor Performance Charts:
    • Show shading for the field weakening portion on motor torque chart, which very clearly shows when the motor is operating with field weakening
  • Overload Models
    • Pxt & Ixt
      • Added support for B&R Fast Slow Time Constant for Pxt and Ixt overload models
    • Motor I2t
      • Enahnced Motor I2t model for more accuracy at slower speeds (n< nN/2)
  • Product Zones
    • Added Product Zone support so each vendor can specify multiple product zones, with each zone having one or more countries. Previsouly this worked in v3 only for a specific manufacturer version. Now this new approach works for all versions.
  • Updated Print Report Logos with higher resolution images
  • Runs as 64-bit application on Windows 64-bit, allowing for better performance for large projects


  • Print Report:
    • When click the "View PDF" button, if the user tries to save and overwrite an existing file and that file is already in use, previously the Main form Error Flag would be set. Now the user gets an error message saying the file is already in use by another process.